Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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This is not about Blacks. It is about Leftist controlling the narrative to bring America down and divide us as a nation.
You do realize that this chart was designed to minimize the statistic visually, by normalizing it by population of the "murder" (sic) [they meant murderer but are a bunch of racist assholes probably]

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Are you calling me that?
I personally am referring to the folks that took the FBI data and visualized it in a way that misrepresented the problem statement that BLM is trying to address.

I don't take shots like that at forum members, except perhaps calling someone a Trumpkin in exchange for me being called a libtard.

For all we have different politics, I like you guys and think you are good people and appreciate the camera help you guys have given me.

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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
What load of pure unadulterated bullshit, clearly designed to butress the claim that "everything is fine just the way it is". This is about economics, and it always has been...cops killing black Americans is a symptom. If you were shortchanged for fucking GENERATIONS you'd be damn well pissed off too.
Would you have voted for Bernie?


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Holy shit...even fucking Fox News knows it...

Yeah perfect, during the Obama era 2011 to 2016.

Proof Obama did little to nothing for Blacks American during his trying to be President.

In less then one presidential term how much did Trump lower Black American Unemployment?

I'm not going to go through all the links you posted without reading them first.
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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Looking forward to the poll results and methodology being released rather than just that headline. While Rasmussen is not the most credible of sources, and is generally judged to have a significant Right bias, they don't just make $hit up either. I'm very curious how they selected a survey pool and how they asked the questions, as well as when.

Meanwhile here are some other polls:

Overall, this seems to be the best aggregation of polls on presidential approval over time... if you don't believe the data at you need to invest in tinfoil companies:

Short story, overall approval of the president is in the low 40s where he has been for years with only brief up or down swings.

You may not consider Black Enterprise to be an unbiased source (I don't think I do either), but they had this interesting piece I saw in early March (So, not too much impacted by COVID or Floyd)

"While black voters as a majority may seemingly move in one direction, there is still a stark divide between genders. In the same NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, the results show that 24% of black men approved of Trump in comparison to 6% of black women who approved of the current president. These polling results are still low compared to other ethnic groups—32% of Latino men and 25% Latino women approved of the current administration—but this trend is unique to this election. Even during the Obama administration, exit polls showed that black women were more in favor of Barack Obama in comparison to black men in 2008 and 2012. (snip)
“Trump is a genuinely ‘aspirational’ figure for some African American men — in fact, quite a few, higher than has been reported, I think,” Lawrence told Vox. “I did quite a few informal interviews before the 2016 election and [was] surprised to see how far this went — but perhaps less surprising against a female Democratic candidate.”
To others like Ugonna Eze, a conservative black law student at the University of Chicago, while his actions are mortifying, his policies aren’t. “While I don’t appreciate some of his tweets or rhetoric,” he told Vox, “I think the president correctly assessed the challenges posed by China’s economic misbehavior, America’s protracted engagements in the Middle East, and the problems that came with lax enforcement of our immigration laws.” He plans to vote for Trump in the 2020 election."

The gender gap with black voters is notable and is the subject of a number of articles; google it and pick one from your favorite outlet.

Again, I look forward to reading the Rasmussen poll.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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View attachment 63218

This is not about Blacks. It is about Leftist controlling the narrative to bring America down and divide us as a nation.
So, I already gave you credible non-politically-biased sources that show you're close to 3x more likely to suffer "death by cop" if you are black than if you are white. But I'd like to explore this further, by pointing out some fake news elements in what was posted here. For the record my beef is with whoever created the chart, not with Oceanslider for repeating it. It appears credible until you dig into how the numbers were used.

1. There are 6x more white folks in America than black folks. By presenting the data as per million of the "Murder's" (sic) race, you are imposing a bias on the visualization that will make the killing of blacks by whites look tiny compared to the killing of blacks by whites. The proper analysis needs to divide by the population of the VICTIM's race, not the killer's race. If you do the math properly, and use data from pew research about relative population, you get this graph instead that says, essentially, if you are black you are about 2.3X more likley to be killed by a white person than it would be for a white person to be killed by a black person.
Clearly, if you are black, the primary risk comes from other black people, and if you are white, the main risk is from other white people. But the chart that was originally posted dramatically over-represents the risk to white people from blacks, and minimizes the risk to blacks from whites. This is the alt-right narrative. It's racist as fuQ. Whoever made that chart (again, not Oceanslider) was trying to stoke fear in whites against blacks and minimize the very idea that in the context of inter-racial killings, it's blacks who are more at risk than whites.

2. The next problem Is that the chart uses the wrong data. The link to the FBI table specifically makes the chart appear credible (not counting the typo about "Murder" versus Murderer, and the fact that not all the homicides reported in the table actually were even murders...). The BLM movement is against the state and vigilantes (vigilante killings exist but are statistically rare). Check out the statement at the BLM page.

"#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives. "

So, the black on black violence problem shown in the chart isn't in scope for BLM. It's a huge problem with deep economic and societal roots (read ANY ONE of the references Q gave), but it isn't what BLM is about.

The references I posted yesterday (such as from NIH... credible sources!) show that for state violence, which is mostly cops killing civilians, it's blacks who are at a disadvantage by about 2.8 to 1, normalized against the victim's race. That's the story BLM is working to change.

Call me a libtard if you want, but I understand how to work with data.

Both sides use fake news. It's a fact. I've fallen prey to it just like anyone who believed that chart was an accurate representation of BLM's mission.


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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The BLM movement is against the state and vigilantes
Did you forget about the videos from a few years back of BLM chanting "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon"?

Or the one one with them chanting "what do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now."?

This is not a call for vigilantism?

Oh yeah, they said I was taken out of context. It was a joke. Come on. Give me a break.


BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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I do agree, though, that blacks are statistically getting killed more by police per capita. But when that number is so low (10 death spread), its hard for me to see the country burned down because of it. Id like to see this anger and outrage geared toward the politicians in big cities who let offenders off with slaps on the wrists/joke sentencing for violent offenders. That's where the true black genocide is happening. All I hear is crickets though.