free software


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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the fact that the board matches another camera is meaningless., is the lens properly corrected for ir? how long before the IR filter gets stuck or the ir leds burn out..this happens even on the better brands but more so on the low end junk cams...The fact that its not poe necessitates extra labor when wiring it up as well as purchasing addition surge protection for each camera and not being able to run a single ups to backup the cameras...

Bradley Parsons

Young grasshopper
Jun 5, 2015
Reaction score
Canberra Australia
I think his point is that they are fine for his purpose. He already explained he's fine to replace them when they go. It's like buying a cheap vcr or TV. You know ahead of time it's no Samsung or Sony, but if it fits your purpose who cares?


Jul 16, 2015
Reaction score
I don't really understand the negativity of this forum fenderman misreads a a post and spends the next three weeks trying to defend what he said .i allso read what he he said about removing dash cams from a car involved in an have no morals fenderman and i would like to inform you there is a perfectly good village i know in need of some one like your self!!


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I don't really understand the negativity of this forum fenderman misreads a a post and spends the next three weeks trying to defend what he said .i allso read what he he said about removing dash cams from a car involved in an have no morals fenderman and i would like to inform you there is a perfectly good village i know in need of some one like your self!!
Buddy, you are the one who started this thread with me it appears as though the whole thread was an attempt to justify your purchase of 15 dollar cameras and trying to run vms on a junk china tablet...let me give you some background information about this forum...we started it with blood sweat and tears because other forums would not allow users to express dissatisfaction with junk low end cameras...this is why, when folks post that they bought junk, i point it can disagree...In the other thread i did misunderstand the pricing, and i said as much..but even at 15 dollars is not a good deal...that is my opinion, if you dont like it or think its negative, dont let the door hit you on the way out....If I have a dashcam in my vehicle I am under no obligation to disclose its existence unless specifically asked so under other in a deposition or answers to interrogatories....before you question my morals, learn the law.....regardless I could care less about your opinion....


Jul 16, 2015
Reaction score
Buddy, you are the one who started this thread with me it appears as though the whole thread was an attempt to justify your purchase of 15 dollar cameras and trying to run vms on a junk china tablet...let me give you some background information about this forum...we started it with blood sweat and tears because other forums would not allow users to express dissatisfaction with junk low end cameras...this is why, when folks post that they bought junk, i point it can disagree...In the other thread i did misunderstand the pricing, and i said as much..but even at 15 dollars is not a good deal...that is my opinion, if you dont like it or think its negative, dont let the door hit you on the way out....If I have a dashcam in my vehicle I am under no obligation to disclose its existence unless specifically asked so under other in a deposition or answers to interrogatories....before you question my morals, learn the law.....regardless I could care less about your opinion....
....what ....oh your a lawer now ...................the village is waiting


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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....what ....oh your a lawer now ...................the village is waiting
If you have a source that says otherwise please let me know.....You questioned my morality without any basis in fact or law. Let me ask you, do you turn yourself in to the police when you drive in excess of the speed limit? Why am I obligated to turn over evidence that is detrimental to my case if it is not requested of me? Think it though a bit, you'll get it, eventually.

Bradley Parsons

Young grasshopper
Jun 5, 2015
Reaction score
Canberra Australia
I agree with the negativity, if you don't want to help someone because you feel there equipment is garbage, then just don't even bother to reply to the thread.

We appreciate all the hard work sweat and tears that everyone has put into this forum after the move over from the "other" forums, but don't think that gives you the right to be mean and nasty or people will quit coming here as well.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I agree with the negativity, if you don't want to help someone because you feel there equipment is garbage, then just don't even bother to reply to the thread.

We appreciate all the hard work sweat and tears that everyone has put into this forum after the move over from the "other" forums, but don't think that gives you the right to be mean and nasty or people will quit coming here as well.
Who said anything about not wanting to help because the equipment is junk? Have you seen my posts helping folks with the sricam/foscam and zmodo junk? This entire post was intended as an attack on the advice OP thought he was given in his other thread....he caught an attitude pretty early on...
Folks will keep coming here as long as the forum provides a free exchange of information......


Young grasshopper
Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Use BlueIris on a dedicated PC and you will be happy. I have not seen anyone using a tablet/notebook as a dedicated recording device that is happy. Most people are okay with just taking a look at live footage.

Fenderman is one of the most helpful people on the forums and will give you straight forward advice. If you can't take some criticism or hear out someone else's opinion without getting your panties in a bunch, then you have other problems.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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1. I don't have any panties to get into a bunch. If you think statement like that are helpful. I suggest you continue to use them in person with others. Most likely you will at minimum, need to "Unbunch your nose". Sooner than later.

2. In some cases it's extremely self documenting that "straight forward advice" is attacked by attacking others based on some preference of brand. One example of many:

Worse, in many cases very little if any of the possible implications of building a Network IP Camera system with "Gray Market" equipment is even included in responses. Even when someone states that's their plan. How's that helpful?

3. Calling any equipment "Crap" is not helpful to helping people. Suggesting that people replace that "Crap" may not be possible by some who come here to get their "Crap" working as best they can because they might not be able to afford to replace their "Crap" at the moment and still need to protect their property.

4. Helpful does not included attacking someone or their Network IP Camera equipment choices to get your point across.

5. Most strangers know better when they meet someone's spouse to say things like "Wow their FAT!" or "Wow their Ugly!".

if one can't use the same self-control with those that come here seeking "Helpful Advice" that have different Network IP Camera equipment or when someone provides important and substantiated facts about things which are helpful to others. Then there must be a deeper issues involved.

Because the average person has the ability to be smarter than that!

If you have a problem, you are welcome to spew your crap on another forum...this forum will always be here for users to discuss the cameras - no restrictions, no mods deleting posts because they personally like the camera brand etc...its a fair and open forum, that is why users like it...and that will always include my opinion on the camera itself...there are too many users who get screwed over when they buy junk on impulse. If a user is insulted rather than thankful because I advise them to return their junk camera so be it.
Your problem Don is that you cannot accept that someone has a different opinion that you. On other forums you have been able to shut me and others down...well you cant do it here. I dont delete posts when others dont agree with me because not only would that be unfair, but that is the point of the forum, to voice opinions. Again, if you dont like it when your firmware fear mongering or questionable installation/maintenance tactics are questioned and your opinions are disagreed with, then you are welcome to leave. This is not a preschool class where everyone has to run to the teacher and complain because they feel insulted. Suck it up, and like @CYANiDE says, dont get your panties in a bunch.
Last edited by a moderator:


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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I will let others read the information in the link in my prior post here and allow them to use their common sense.
I'm curious why you have removed the quoted information from Hikvision that you'd included in the referenced post. What was the problem with it?
It looks like it has been replaced with different information obtained a day or so after you published the original post, thereby changing somewhat the meaning of that post.
I for one find the editing of prior posts quite confusing. I really don't want to keep going back to see what's been changed presumably due to others' responses.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Your brand bias is self-documenting and rarely incudes important things that others should take into consideration when or if they are considering using the "Gray Markets" to purchase their equipment. As is your ability to hide behind a keyboard when making insulting statements that the average person has the ability to be smarter about making.

I've come to accept that you are not capable of getting your point across without in many cases using insults to do so.

If by brand bias you mean that I dont recommend junk cameras, then yes. There are two brands that have shown exceptional value, Dahua and Hikvision.
When I say a camera is junk, I am talking about the camera not the member. I dont insult members, with the exception of you. I have come to accept that you cannot be truthful and your advice is off the wall crazy.
Your posts illustrate the beauty that is this forum. ANY other forum mod would have deleted your posts and banned you long ago.

Del Boy

Getting comfortable
Mar 19, 2015
Reaction score
UK - England
I'm curious why you have removed the quoted information from Hikvision that you'd included in the referenced post. What was the problem with it?
It looks like it has been replaced with different information obtained a day or so after you published the original post, thereby changing somewhat the meaning of that post.
I for one find the editing of prior posts quite confusing. I really don't want to keep going back to see what's been changed presumably due to others' responses.
+1, it makes you look even less credible.

I've only just read this thread because I thought that I didn't really know anything about free software so left it to those that did. But now I'm confused about what's going on with regards free software!
@fenderman shoots from the hip, sometimes I haven't liked that but he's always been fair.

I am curious what @TheUberOverLord sent to Hikvision with regards the Grey Market? Are you actively trying to stop the Grey Market? I believe in choice, if people want to pay more for US or UK sourced then great, I know some great suppliers. If they want to go to Ali then I will try to help them their too.

What really frustrates me is that I think @TheUberOverLord really could add some great value here. I disagree with fenderman all the time, he thinks 2332 is better looking than 2032 for example (complete nutter, it's not fenderman, get over it).

the point of the forum, to voice opinions.
And if that ever changes then I'll hang my boots up here. Sometimes @fenderman is wrong, a lot of the times I'm wrong and sometimes you @TheUberOverLord will be wrong too. We are all human. I would love if you would contribute like we all try, but in a less of a "my way is right and I'll bulldoze it" and completely end up crap-threading.

I learnt a lot of the CCTV stuff the hard way and this forum has helped me a lot since. I for one would like to help people to not buy complete rubbish or be ripped-off.