Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Even doctors lost their credibility. They don't work for the patients anymore. They lack empathy. They work in conjunction with HMO's and Pharmaceutical companies. They don't give a **** about their patients. You are your best doctor. Stay healthy and don't fall for processed food and keep your body moving.

There is a lot of truth in what you are saying. I have first hand experience.
Sometimes I question whether or not this pandemic will be declared over by elected officials. The day we can establish trust with our elected officials (VICE VERSA) is the day this pandemic may finally be over. However, that is far from happening.

Why Don't People "Trust The Science?" Because Scientists Are Often Caught Lying

Emails Expose Fauci, Collins Collusion To 'Smear' Anti-Lockdown Scientists | ZeroHedge

From October 2-4, 2020, the American Institute for Economic Research hosted a small conference for scientists to discuss the Covid-19 lockdowns. Just four days later, Dr. Francis Collins, the retiring Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), would call the three of the scientists in attendance “fringe epidemiologists,” in a directive he sent to Anthony Fauci and other senior staff of his agency.

They were “fringe epidemiologists” because they had the temerity to ask whether the lockdowns of 2020 were effective. Those three, Martin Kulldorff of Harvard, Sunetra Gupta of Oxford, and Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford were simply doing what any good scientist would do: They were following the evidence.
They wrote the Great Barrington Declaration [GBD] as they parted company at AIER, posting it for all to see.
So why was Dr. Collins so intent on impugning these three scientists? It’s hard to know exactly, mostly because any scientist worth his salt should have been happy to see further research being done. That is, after all, how ignorance is replaced by knowledge. But Collins was clearly in no mood to replace his own possible ignorance with any kind of knowledge. He was pretty sure he knew all he had to know; and this is one of the most dangerous positions a scientist can take.

In an email obtained by AIER through a Freedom of Information Act request, Collins told Anthony Fauci, CCing Lawrence Tabak, Deputy Ethics Counselor at NIH, that he wanted “a quick and devastating published take down” of the Great Barrington Declaration’s premises.
Pfizer Pushes Third Vaccine Dose For Kids 5 And Under | ZeroHedge

Pfizer said it had expected data on how well the vaccines were working in children under 5 by year's end. Now, nobody knows how long that might take as the company tries out different strategy. But one thing's for sure: Pfizer is about to be selling a lot more vaccines.
Who's looking forward to the F**K YOU Variant? :facepalm:

People that love to drive to the city to watch the balls drop in Times Square may regret this year. There might not be any public gathering at this Year's Balls drop :rofl:
I wonder if Pfizer's vaccine may resolve Childhood Obesity at some point :lmao: A few more tricks up their sleeves might just do it

Pfizer Pushes Third Vaccine Dose For Kids 5 And Under | ZeroHedge

Pfizer said it had expected data on how well the vaccines were working in children under 5 by year's end. Now, nobody knows how long that might take as the company tries out different strategy. But one thing's for sure: Pfizer is about to be selling a lot more vaccines.
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Even doctors lost their credibility. They don't work for the patients anymore. They lack empathy. They work in conjunction with HMO's and Pharmaceutical companies. They don't give a **** about their patients. You are your best doctor. Stay healthy and don't fall for processed food and keep your body moving.

Don't worry mate I know exactly what is going on with Doctors as my wife is a Sister Nurse at practice and I know how they work anyway behind their screens while nurses are on the frontline. I trust NOBODY in this day and age and it's all about £££££ they don't give 2 hoots about patient 1 or patient 1000 they are running a business not a doctors surgery like years ago.

EDIT I forgot to say the wife will be loosing her job in April when it becomes law here in the UK that ALL NHS Staff be fully Vaccinated or be sacked. My wife is not vaccinated and not because she is an Anti-Vaxxer but because she had such bad reactions to flu vaccine a few years ago ended up in Hospital with severe reactions.
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any concerns again inactivated vaccines like they use in china?
They will force everyone next year in several countries to take the vaccine.
So there seems no real option to avoid taking it.
Some countries already have database for vaxxers, even harder to avoid taking it .

Not asking for a friend, asking for me ;)

If I had to choose, I would look at the Novavax first. U.S. approval is pending but highly likely it will be approved.

Read about it here
I suspect the new variant charade wont end until after the 2022 midterm elections.

They need to keep it going until then to justify universal mail in ballots.

At the current rate, the new variant will be here and gone in a few months, it will burn through quickly which seems to have occurred already in one African Province Gauteng and some new variant will be the topic of the day, likely known unofficially as the-mail-in-ballot-variant.

Latest on Omicron from Texas;


Someone should tell our overlords. They’re ratcheting things up to DEFCON 3

Denmark and the UK both show mild increases in hospitalizations compared to a huge upward swing in cases so that is positive. Based on everything I have read, we really won't know for a week or more because of the lag, get sick, and get better, or get sick and need a hospital based upon worsening symptoms.

Here is the Denmark Data which looks like it is going in the right direction
But, but, but, that can’t be.
The dementia patient in Chief said yesterday that “we’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death”. And the Beagle Butcher said we’ll have to wear masks forever!
Why Don't People "Trust The Science?" Because Scientists Are Often Caught Lying

Because there has been no long term studies released. They have no idea what they are messing with with this vax. I wasn't born to be a government guinea pig. History is full of documented cases of the general public being the governments guinea pig. The outcome wasn't pretty back then. I fully expect the outcome this time to be no better.