Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

When will people realize that Omicron just wants to make love with all of us? That's why its more transmissible! :rofl: Doesn't mean its more severe
I should also mention malpractice is quite common nowadays in their profession ;)
Even doctors lost their credibility. They don't work for the patients anymore. They lack empathy. They work in conjunction with HMO's and Pharmaceutical companies. They don't give a **** about their patients. You are your best doctor. Stay healthy and don't fall for processed food and keep your body moving.
So Denmark, where it’s going nuts
71,000 cases among vaxxed/boosted
22,000 cases in the control group un-vaxxed

The Omicron loves the vaxxed (79.3%) but apparently doesn’t like the taste of the unvaxxed (8.5%)?
I don't think so, as if that were the case One Shot'ers are even less likely to get Omicron at 1.9%.

And the piece doesn't go into detail on these percentages. rapport-omikronvarianten-18122021-wj25.pdf (


I'm not sure how to read that chart. I got a history degree LOL
Fauci's War on Science: The Smoking Gun
Despite having a college edication, I can't figure out what these official statements echoed in the media are saying.

"Those who received COVID-19 booster shots were 20 times less likely to die than the unvaccinated in October"
Why are they stating odds instead of actual data for a month in the past? And what does "20 times less likely" mean anyway?

"According to the latest figures, the vaccinated had a fivefold lower risk of infection and a fourteenfold lower risk of death in October, and the boosted were 10 times less likely to get infected than the unvaccinated."
Same question, why probabilities instead of actual data? Is risk different than reality? Smells like deception to me.

"In late October, infection rates for the boosted were about 2.5 times lower than the vaccinated without boosters, and death rates were nearly four times lower."
Why "late" October for this statistic? This could be anywhere from 15 days to 10 minutes. And I just can't relate to "2.5 times lower". Saying something like "the unvaxxed got infected at 3x the rate of the vaxxed" would be a lot easier to understand, whatever the actual number might be. It just feels to me like they throw out all this stuff that might sound good, but in the end you don't really know what they've said.

CDC: Boosters reduce COVID death risk 20-fold compared to unvaxxed
Let’s just assume the headline is accurate.
CDC: Boosters reduce COVID death risk 20-fold compared to unvaxxed

1- For how long
2- what adverse affects and how many ?
3- werent we told that 2 jabs was enough not long ago?
Despite having a college edication, I can't figure out what these official statements echoed in the media are saying.

"Those who received COVID-19 booster shots were 20 times less likely to die than the unvaccinated in October"
Why are they stating odds instead of actual data for a month in the past? And what does "20 times less likely" mean anyway?

"According to the latest figures, the vaccinated had a fivefold lower risk of infection and a fourteenfold lower risk of death in October, and the boosted were 10 times less likely to get infected than the unvaccinated."
Same question, why probabilities instead of actual data? Is risk different than reality? Smells like deception to me.

"In late October, infection rates for the boosted were about 2.5 times lower than the vaccinated without boosters, and death rates were nearly four times lower."
Why "late" October for this statistic? This could be anywhere from 15 days to 10 minutes. And I just can't relate to "2.5 times lower". Saying something like "the unvaxxed got infected at 3x the rate of the vaxxed" would be a lot easier to understand, whatever the actual number might be. It just feels to me like they throw out all this stuff that might sound good, but in the end you don't really know what they've said.

CDC: Boosters reduce COVID death risk 20-fold compared to unvaxxed
Because they only have an annual budget of $1,878,000 per employee. What would you do? You know your heart wouldn't be into it for that measly funding.
At only roughly $1,878,000 per employee, yes you read that is right, One Million Eight Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars per employee....

I'd like to know the answer regarding natural immunity within the USA.

I'd like to see a study on Omicron and how it affects natural immunity and protection against other variants.

Oh wait, I forgot, the citizens of this backwards 3rd world nation that I think we can still call the USA, are not intelligent enough handle the truth. Thank you Lord for the fact checkers at Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for protecting our minds from forming opposing opinions.
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I’m gonna order another batch , will advise

I've ordered and received from 2 different companies in India, last order came about 2 weeks ago. It takes about 3 weeks and I was worried about customs, looks like my concern may have been about the wrong bunch of nazis.
Since this topic came up earlier I wanted to add my observations;

Unvaccinated 12-34 year-olds in Washington are 23 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 compared with fully vaccinated 12-34 year-olds.

This sounds really scary and dangerous but lets look closer, all data is current and straight from WA DOH.

Covid is real, people get sick and die, including healthy people, people should get vaxed depending on their personal circumstances. I know friends who have died (RIP).

On to the numbers!

For Vax'd age 12 - 34, the hospitalization rate is 1.5 per 100,000, the rate for non-vaxed is 35.6 per 100,000, or 23 times more likely to be hospitalized. Let's crunch the numbers into a little more manageable output; 35.6 per 100,000, same as 3.5 per 10,000, or less than 1 in 1,000.


I believe my numbers are correct, feel free to point out a math error if I made one.


