Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
Doctors receive a government fee of $1,000 plus expenses for every euthanasia death they perform.



Getting comfortable
Apr 26, 2014
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The more I see of this fiasco the more I am convinced people are idiots. Saw a newspaper parroting that shots are more important than ever due to omicron variant. Seriously.

I think of intelligence as the ability to think, not what you "know". So it doesn't matter if you never graduated from grade school, or have a pair of PhDs, you may, or may not, be intelligent.

I talk to a lot of people who understand that seed oils ("vegetable" oils) are bad for you, unlike what the government still says, that cholesterol (it's almost irrelevant as a predictor to heart attacks) is not nearly as bad as they claim, etc. Yet they can't see the same folks that fed them the line of BS they now understand is perversion of science, by selectively picking data, still follow all of the stupid recommendations - "wear a mask!" "Keep 6 feet apart!" "get a shot, and another, and a booster!!"

I'll leave this tidbit, since I suspect there a number of folks on here taking statins. They are very good at reducing cholesterol. There are NO peer reviewed, double blind studies that show they reduce your chance of hear attack. Yet they are the most widely prescribed type of drug in the US, and probably the world.


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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I'll leave this tidbit, since I suspect there a number of folks on here taking statins. They are very good at reducing cholesterol. There are NO peer reviewed, double blind studies that show they reduce your chance of hear attack. Yet they are the most widely prescribed type of drug in the US, and probably the world.
Yes, after spending many, many hours researching statins I quit them after about 10 years of use. The depression I had been fighting for about 10 years went away so that was a surprising bonus for me, I never connected the statins with depression. It is not one of the more common side effects of statins but it does occur, along with a lot of other side effects that doctors seem to ignore.
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Yes, after spending many, many hours researching statins I quit them after about 10 years of use. The depression I had been fighting for about 10 years went away so that was a surprising bonus for me, I never connected the statins with depression. It is not one of the more common side effects of statins but it does occur, along with a lot of other side effects that doctors seem to ignore.
Well this is disturbing. I have been on lipitor for about a year side affects that I have noticed...not yet.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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I'm not surprised, Big Pharma found ways to promote oppression ;)

Yes, after spending many, many hours researching statins I quit them after about 10 years of use. The depression I had been fighting for about 10 years went away so that was a surprising bonus for me, I never connected the statins with depression. It is not one of the more common side effects of statins but it does occur, along with a lot of other side effects that doctors seem to ignore.


Getting comfortable
Apr 26, 2014
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Well this is disturbing. I have been on lipitor for about a year side affects that I have noticed...not yet.
Ask your doctor for research that shows reduced cholesterol reduces heart attacks. It does NOT exist. Period. Your doc will likely quote you studies paid for by lipitor, or other manufacturers. Statins do reduce cholesterol. The problem is that the link between cholesterol and heart attacks, in the general public, does not exist. Do people with high cholesterol have heart attacks? Yes! So do people with hair...Does not mean it is a cause.

Watch this video - very eye opening.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
What I woke up to today and just shows how the media twists the real truth with words.

I would like to know how many are in ICU with.

1. Only 1 Jab
2. 2 jabs
3. Unvaccinated.

View attachment 113772
media producer wakes up to a million dollars in an offshore banking account or is it bitcoins?

and thinks to himself, “Thanks big Pharma”


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
I still find it amusing that some people are all up in arms about how many are "testing positive" for covid, yet they have no symptoms except a running nose and a bit of cough. Since the very beginning of time, wintertime in the Northern hemisphere has been noted as "Cold and Flu Season". Did you go to the doctor and get tested for the cold 3 winters ago? No, you stayed at home for a day or two, nursed your symptoms with over the counter remedies and went on with life. The doctor would have told you to do the same.

They will never invent a drug that will eliminate the common cold. Why? Because the cold is virus based and it is ever changing and mutating. They can't come up with something that will kill it because, quite honestly, it isn't financially advantageous, due to it never remains the same, and pharmaceuticals wouldn't be able to stay up with the weekly mutations. It's kind of like a dog chasing its tail around in circles. Same goes with the Flu. A different virus mutation every few weeks.

What we are witnessing right now with this weeks variant, "Omicron" is actually a common cold or flu virus. Same symptoms, same outcome. Virtually everyone will get over it and go on with life if left to run its course. So, why are we "testing" for common cold symptoms? There is no cure for it. Unless you are in really bad health to begin with, it isn't going to kill you. Unless you are on your last legs, health-wise, quit feeding the "testing" craze. Testing for unknown markers for a sniffle or cough is a waste of time, money and keeps the Covid Fear Mongering machine alive. (Remember, testing of anything is not 100% accurate. There is a lot more funny math going on with medical testing data and percentages than they tell you)

Most of us on this site have been on this earth long enough that we pretty much know what a cold or flu feels like. Unless you are experiencing chest pains, alarming shortness of breath, you are vomiting and running a high fever, Just stay at home, treat the symptoms, fuck the stupid tests and the generated paranoia, and just go on with life. That's my $.02 on it. Like it or leave it.

Spring is on its way, longer days and warmer weather. I look forward to it. I hope you all do too.
Last edited:
Aug 3, 2015
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I still find it amusing that some people are all up in arms about how many are "testing positive" for covid, yet they have no symptoms except a running nose and a bit of cough. Since the very beginning of time, wintertime in the Northern hemisphere has been noted as "Cold and Flu Season". Did you go to the doctor and get tested for the cold 3 winters ago? No, you stayed at home for a day or two, nursed your symptoms with over the counter remedies and went on with life. The doctor would have told you to do the same.

They will never invent a drug that will eliminate the common cold. Why? Because the cold is virus based and it is ever changing and mutating. They can't come up with something that will kill it because, quite honestly, it isn't financially advantageous due to it never remains the same and pharmaceuticals wouldn't be able to stay up with the weekly mutations. It's kind of like a dog chasing its tail around in circles. Same goes with the Flu. A different virus mutation every few weeks.

What we are witnessing right now with this weeks variant, "Omicron" is actually a common cold or flu virus. Same symptoms, same outcome. Virtually everyone will get over it and go on with life if left to run its course. So, why are we "testing" for common cold symptoms? There is no cure for it. Unless you are in really bad health to begin with, it isn't going to kill you. Unless you are on your last legs, health-wise, quit feeding the "testing" craze. Testing for unknown markers for a sniffle or cough is a waste of time, money and keeps the Covid Fear Mongering machine alive. (Remember, testing of anything is not 100% accurate. There is a lot more funny math going on with medical testing data and percentages than they tell you)

Most of us on this site have been on this earth long enough that we pretty much know what a cold or flu feels like. Unless you are experiencing chest pains, alarming shortness of breath, you are vomiting and running a high fever, Just stay at home, treat the symptoms, fuck the stupid tests and the generated paranoia, and just go on with life. That's my $.02 on it. Like it or leave it.

Spring is on its way, longer days and warmer weather. I look forward to it. I hope you all do too.

Works a damned sight better than any supposed vaxxine, too.