Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Meanwhile in japan....

an "antiviral effect" has been found with Ivermectin. No shit sherlock.

Washington Post is hot on this one


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I can’t use the word for this piece of trash I’d like to on a public forum

Villa Park State Rep. Deb Conroy (Democrat) wants to isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments.

HB 4640 is scheduled to be heard in the Illinois House Human Services Committee February 2 at 9:00 AM.
If HB 4640 were to become law, persons exposed to an infectious disease could be placed under Public Health Department observation, only possible in a contained atmosphere with Department watch guards, some suggest such as a concentration camp.
The bill says:
To prevent the spread of a dangerously contagious or infectious disease, the [Public Health] Department may, pursuant to the provisions of subsection (c) of this Section, isolate or quarantine persons whose refusal to undergo observation and monitoring results in uncertainty regarding whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a dangerously contagious or infectious disease or otherwise poses a danger to the public's health.
HB 4640 would also set up a state network data collection system for persons that have received mandated vaccines, medications, or otherwise.
Conroy's measure is to be heard this week.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
I can’t use the word for this piece of trash I’d like to on a public forum

Villa Park State Rep. Deb Conroy (Democrat) wants to isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments.

HB 4640 is scheduled to be heard in the Illinois House Human Services Committee February 2 at 9:00 AM.
If HB 4640 were to become law, persons exposed to an infectious disease could be placed under Public Health Department observation, only possible in a contained atmosphere with Department watch guards, some suggest such as a concentration camp.
The bill says:

HB 4640 would also set up a state network data collection system for persons that have received mandated vaccines, medications, or otherwise.
Conroy's measure is to be heard this week.
"Trump's a Fascist!" - said every single Democrat from 2016 to 2021

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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Pfizer Expects Vaccines For Children 6 Months To 5 Years Within "Weeks" After Handing Data To FDA

According to WaPo, the FDA has been urging the company to hurry up and hand over the data. Even CNBC's Meg Tirrell noted that this is a much quicker timeline than we had anticipated last week.

Perhaps the rush is because this thing will be over soon... and along with it all the money-making opportunities?
So tell me if I’ve got this correct, when Pfizer wants to sell a shot or pill they can supply the FDA with data within months, but when there is accountability involved, it takes them 75 years to supply the FDA with requested data.

“FDA says it needs 75 years to fully release Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data to the public.

USA – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says it now needs 75 years to fully release Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine data to the public – twenty years more than it originally agreed on November 15.
The request to increase the time limit is to comply with demands for basic transparency and accountability over the FDA decision in December 2020 to grant Pfizer-BioNTech “Emergency Use Authorisation” for its mRNA therapeutic drugs being marketed as “vaccines.””

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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I can’t use the word for this piece of trash I’d like to on a public forum

Villa Park State Rep. Deb Conroy (Democrat) wants to isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments.

HB 4640 is scheduled to be heard in the Illinois House Human Services Committee February 2 at 9:00 AM.
If HB 4640 were to become law, persons exposed to an infectious disease could be placed under Public Health Department observation, only possible in a contained atmosphere with Department watch guards, some suggest such as a concentration camp.
The bill says:

HB 4640 would also set up a state network data collection system for persons that have received mandated vaccines, medications, or otherwise.
Conroy's measure is to be heard this week.
I wonder what the survival rate would be for those Covid internment camp enforcers, you know, the ones that come knocking on your door to say come with us?

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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Depends.. are the internment camp inductees armed or not armed?
The difference between tyranny and freedom is how a person answers that question of “Depends.. are the internment camp inductees armed or not armed”. Because in that scenario, from my perspective the answer will always be no I’m not coming with you. How they respond to my answer will determine the force they are met with regardless of whether they are armed or not. This was my politically correct answer, my real answer is a lot less PC.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Here's a good summation of the truths lies we've been handed by the "science" about the CCP Virus -

Thank you for this, I like how they made the video, not from any Political party's perspective. Makes it easy to share...


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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The difference between tyranny and freedom is how a person answers that question of “Depends.. are the internment camp inductees armed or not armed”. Because in that scenario, from my perspective the answer will always be no I’m not coming with you. How they respond to my answer will determine the force they are met with regardless of whether they are armed or not. This was my politically correct answer, my real answer is a lot less PC.
Think you'll enjoy this one ..

Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota



Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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A lot of useful data out of Idaho;

This file tracks cases beginning Jan. 3, 2022.

Idaho positivity rate: 38.8% (Jan. 16 - Jan. 22)

Idaho hospitalizations: 589 patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, 109 COVID-19 patients in intensive care (Jan. 29)

Idaho total cases: 382,465

Idaho COVID-19-related deaths: 4,425

Case fatality rate: 1.16%

Case stats: Through Feb. 1, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reports 14,981 hospitalizations, 2,523 admissions to the ICU and 14,619 health care workers who have been infected. The hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

Death stats: The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has reported 1,036 deaths tied to long-term care facilities (updated Fridays). Here’s how Idaho’s deaths break down by age group, according to IDHW: 80+: 1,793; 70s: 1,224; 60s: 794; 50s: 365; 40s: 171; 30s: 56; 18-29: 21; Under 18: 1.

Vaccination stats: Idaho has administered 2,247,829 vaccine doses, with 910,985 Idahoans fully vaccinated. About 53.2% of Idahoans 5 and older are fully vaccinated, and 376,908 Idahoans have received a booster dose.

Data as of 6:21 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1 (The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare website updates statewide numbers around 5 p.m. daily, except on holidays)

More Data

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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A lot of useful data out of Idaho;

This file tracks cases beginning Jan. 3, 2022.

Idaho positivity rate: 38.8% (Jan. 16 - Jan. 22)

Idaho hospitalizations: 589 patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, 109 COVID-19 patients in intensive care (Jan. 29)

Idaho total cases: 382,465

Idaho COVID-19-related deaths: 4,425

Case fatality rate: 1.16%

Case stats: Through Feb. 1, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare reports 14,981 hospitalizations, 2,523 admissions to the ICU and 14,619 health care workers who have been infected. The hospital and health care numbers are based on cases with completed investigations into contacts, not the full number of positives.

Death stats: The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare has reported 1,036 deaths tied to long-term care facilities (updated Fridays). Here’s how Idaho’s deaths break down by age group, according to IDHW: 80+: 1,793; 70s: 1,224; 60s: 794; 50s: 365; 40s: 171; 30s: 56; 18-29: 21; Under 18: 1.

Vaccination stats: Idaho has administered 2,247,829 vaccine doses, with 910,985 Idahoans fully vaccinated. About 53.2% of Idahoans 5 and older are fully vaccinated, and 376,908 Idahoans have received a booster dose.

Data as of 6:21 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 1 (The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare website updates statewide numbers around 5 p.m. daily, except on holidays)

More Data
The statements in the report made by Idaho Department of Health and Welfare “Idaho hospitalizations: 589 patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, 109 COVID-19 patients in intensive care (Jan. 29)
Idaho COVID-19-related deaths: 4,425” are what make a lot of studies suspect to me. They don’t mention, unless I overlooked it, that the “cause” of hospitalization and /or death was due to Covid.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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The statements in the report made by Idaho Department of Health and Welfare “Idaho hospitalizations: 589 patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, 109 COVID-19 patients in intensive care (Jan. 29)
Idaho COVID-19-related deaths: 4,425” are what make a lot of studies suspect to me. They don’t mention, unless I overlooked it, that the “cause” of hospitalization and /or death was due to Covid.
I did not drill down through the data or go to the State DOH site. What I found interesting is the CFR at about 1% and the age breakdown, most fatal cases are over 70. These stats are not that surprising but are presented here. The CFR of course could be lower, depending on what they count as a covid death; dying with or from.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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I want to share my thoughts on how deaths are reported. On my father's death certificate listed cause as Combined Congestive Heart Failure. My father never had any heart issues his whole life, never took any heart type drugs, no cholesterol meds, no high blood pressure meds, actually no meds at all, only over the counter vitamins. He faithfully went to Doc check-ups at a minimum of twice a year, 120/80 was his avg. pressure, all blood work came back great, I was in direct contact with his Doctor his last years, memory decline was their only concern at 82 which he was getting more forgetful. I was blessed to be with my dad his last 4 hours, my wife 4 hours prior to me getting their, so his last 8 hours we witnessed zero issue breathing, not one cough or clearing of throat, just his eyes pretty much stayed closed and he would give a slight nod if we asked him a question, of course his last few hours communication stopped. Congestive heart failure or natural causes???

For my mother her death cert. listed Alzheimer's Disease as cause of death, even though she never officially was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, her last 3 years she lived in a Memory Care Facility, she definitely had some form of Dementia. I got a call mom had slumped over while she was eating in the common eating area and was not responding to anyone. Stroke??? We did not do an MRI before her passing so cannot confirm that. In the three years of me visiting mom, at least once every week, sometimes 2-3 times, I witnessed Exactly what Alzheimer's does to a person. The wife and myself communicated with most all the patients there and their family members who came to visit. I guarantee we knew them better than their Doctors who only came once a month to evaluate them. We saw almost a dozen of them pass away in the 3 years, we watched ALL stages of this very terrible disease. Mom would be considered in stage 5 of 7 when she passed, she never developed swallowing issues like all the others, which is usually between stage 6-7, it is very sad to witness but their throats start to close up. Cause of death Alzheimer's or Stroke ?

Sorry for the long post, my point is, neither death cert. is correct. My father died of natural causes and my mom died of a stroke, in my opinion. More of my point, dad will end up in the Heart disease charts/numbers and mom on the Alzheimer's charts/numbers.

This is one of the reasons I question how a Death Certificate's should list the cause of death, definitely Covid deaths I question. Unfortunately I do not have the answer as to how they should either though.