Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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hard to know if this is a game or real .. cgi has gotten really good ..



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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The USA had a gas / oil surplus under Trump .. Biden Cancelled the pipeline Trump approved and put in anti-Oil policies .. we should not allow the shifting of USA gas prices blame on to Ukraine - Russia war.

Also remember during the Pandemic the Oil war by Putin and Saudi Arabia and Putin demanded USA reduce production .. Putin was setting up the table for his attack of Ukraine back then ..


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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What i or someone else want is not important for china

I just want to see how your gov react if China do what they planned for decades. I want to see how media reacts.. I want to see how stupid western european react.
I want to see Biden on CNN explaining how the US citizen do not need China LOL

Or do they just look away .. so they do if Israel bomb children in Palestine or if turkey bomb kurds children ...........

So do they react like to russia? Haha.. i dont think so.

We will see.. Taiwan war will happen :)
Let's look closer at Russia's / Putin's moves:

1) Wants less strong German Military.
Failed, Germany now increasing military spending

2) Wants good customers in Europe for Oil / Gas
Failed, EU will now accelerate developments away from dependency on Russia Energy as much as possible.

3) Wants weaker NATO
Failed, NATO now stronger as Eastern Europe remembers Soviet Russia ..

4) Wants friendlier Ukrainian people to Russia
Failed, Ukrainian corrupt President now emerging as a hero .. if he dies he will be a Martyr.

5) Wants not to be beholden to China.
not yet a complete fail, however One step closer to a vasal of Xi ..

6) Wants to keep territories in Asisa.
One step closer to China looking to grab easier territories ( easier to attack than Taiwan ) back from Russia ..

7) Wants to appear a strong and powerful nation.
Getting a good solid beating .. similar to their 1939 invasion of Finland, an event which helped convince Hitler that Soviet Union was a rotten house ready to collapse
European countries will help Ukraine now by providing weapons to help bleed the Russian Bear .. they have to do this to reduce the power of the Russian Bear, since the Bear has promised that it wants to eat them next ..

8) Wants a strong economy ..
Not looking good now ..

Honestly, you should be very angry at Putin - he played his cards very wrong in this case and will harm Russia and Russians .. had he played it better he could have had a cheaper victory by getting acknowledgement and acceptance of Donbass and Crimea as Russian territories .. I think the West / USA would have been ok with that compromise ..

FWIW - The Biden Administration .. I'm not happy with them, imho they should have done more to help avert this war .. this did not need to happen.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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When china invades taiwan, there will be sanctions but it will not be as big as the ones applied on russia.

Media will bark for a few days and it will be forgotten like Afghanistan. Most MSM and even twitter will happily censor or ban the president of united states but will not censor the CCP.

The CCP will probably be typing brandons tele prompter

Unless the CCP retaliate with their own sanctions that would cripple supplies of electronics. Media will mostly be playing the CCP tunes.
The USA has 2 carrier groups near Taiwan now .. China is not going to be happy ..
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
2) Wants good customers in Europe for Oil / Gas
Failed, EU will now accelerate developments away from dependency on Russia Energy as much as possible.
Failed, no. That pipeline is finished. Needs regulator's approval. The worst of the winter is over. That is why Germany so graciously decided no to the pipeline. However, by next winter all of this will be over. There will be other things for the world to be offended by. Including the mid-term elections here. By then, the pipeline will be flowing, Germany will have heat, and everyone will have moved on and forgotten about this. That is what they have planned.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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That 2 US carrier group will chicken out when they invade. When I say chicken out its the generals like the current one who phoned china and the other guy, you know who.

A carrier can be sunk by even iran, its just that cannot survive the retaliation.
But china can and is a near peer opponent.
I believe you are significantly over estimating China's military potential ..


Known around here
Nov 26, 2018
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Christmas Island
Let's look closer at Russia's / Putin's moves:

1) Wants less strong German Military.
Failed, Germany now increasing military spending

2) Wants good customers in Europe for Oil / Gas
Failed, EU will now accelerate developments away from dependency on Russia Energy as much as possible.

3) Wants weaker NATO
Failed, NATO now stronger as Eastern Europe remembers Soviet Russia ..

4) Wants friendlier Ukrainian people to Russia
Failed, Ukrainian corrupt President now emerging as a hero .. if he dies he will be a Martyr.

5) Wants not to be beholden to China.
not yet a complete fail, however One step closer to a vasal of Xi ..

6) Wants to keep territories in Asisa.
One step closer to China looking to grab easier territories ( easier to attack than Taiwan ) back from Russia ..

7) Wants to appear a strong and powerful nation.
Getting a good solid beating .. similar to their 1939 invasion of Finland, an event which helped convince Hitler that Soviet Union was a rotten house ready to collapse
European countries will help Ukraine now by providing weapons to help bleed the Russian Bear .. they have to do this to reduce the power of the Russian Bear, since the Bear has promised that it wants to eat them next ..

8) Wants a strong economy ..
Not looking good now ..

Honestly, you should be very angry at Putin - he played his cards very wrong in this case and will harm Russia and Russians .. had he played it better he could have had a cheaper victory by getting acknowledgement and acceptance of Donbass and Crimea as Russian territories .. I think the West / USA would have been ok with that compromise ..

FWIW - The Biden Administration .. I'm not happy with them, imho they should have done more to help avert this war .. this did not need to happen.

1. German military is weaker than the Ukraine even after Russia destroyed most of their better stuff.
Germans can invest trillions and they will never compete because there is too much politics BS

"The Bundeswehr has more basic needs, too: there's a shortage of ammunition, and even of combat boots and underwear. A recent report by Eva Högl, the Bundestag's defense commissioner, on the situation of German NATO soldiers in Lithuania almost sounded like a bad joke. After a visit to the region in the cold Lithuanian winter, Högl detailed how the soldiers lacked thick jackets and underwear to keep them dry and warm. How can that be a problem for soldiers in the army of one of the world's richest countries? "

They invest around the same amount of money than Russia per annum and still have no underwear and boots LOL where is all the money?

Also if you compare german troops to US , China or Russia troops.. lol. They will run away if they see the enemy. There is no militancy or better a will to fight.

2. Russia can still give China their oil/gas if the european countries dont want it.
China needs it all

3. Not sure if that is really important
Also the whole NATO trust in USA.
You know.. they are on another continent. Russia isnt even able to bring petrol/food or whatever to the neighboor country.
How long will the US last ? Maybe they trust in european NATO members, but they have a shortage of everything. Sounds great.,.

Most NATO members have nothing. Coming to 1. again.. i think germany has a really low number of rifles .. they are not even able to arm the reservists. This is also true for most european countries. everyone trust that the US will win any war LOL
Why even have reservists when there are no weapons available which they can use ? Oh yeah, welcome to europe !

So you are telling me the NATO is strong because it is somewhere written on paper? Okay..
The only strong member is the USA.. If you remember.. there was a huge discussion when Trump was president because most NATO members does not spend 2% of their GDP... But i dont think that most members have anything better if they spent more money. But we will see.. maybe they are spending now more in defense.

4. We will see what happens. I dont trust any western media or "experts" bullshit .

5. We will see. But i see your point.. China owns already the US, so not sure if this is bad :D.

6. ...

7. I dont trust any western media bullshit.
In my opinion it is really hard to invade a country by land.
The US started IRAQ 2003 with days of air bombing.. they didnt care if citizen die..
Russia goes the hard way.. I want to see US troops doing the same.. they will struggle the same way.


All in all..
In my opinion all what you wrote and write is the typical anti russia cold war injection/inception which you got when you were born in the US. Because China somehow CCCP .. china also bad :D
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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1. German military is weaker than the Ukraine even after Russia destroyed most of their better stuff.
Germans can invest trillions and they will never compete because there is too much politics BS

2. Russia can still give China their oil/gas if the european countries dont want it.
China needs it all

3. Not sure if that is really important

4. We will see what happens. I dont trust any western media or "experts" bullshit .

5. We will see. But i see your point.. China owns already the US, so not sure if this is bad :D.

6. ...

7. I dont trust any western media bullshit.


All in all..
In my opinion all what you wrote and write is the typical anti russia cold war injection/inception which you got when you were born in the US. Because China somehow CCCP .. china also bad :D
NATO now has a mission to exist .. that makes it stronger .. before this members were not agreeing very much on their mission.

Anyone with a clue should not trust:
1) Governments: US Government, Russian Government, Chinese Government, UK Government, Canadian Government, Australian Government .. and many others. ( I have not looked closely at many, so far this is what I have seen )

2) Media: Main Stream Media from the West, and media from various countries ..

Russia .. let's see "I am not going to invade" Putin .. is it anti-Russia to say what I have .. that's fine if you see it that way.
I don't think I am anti-Russian, but I do think I am pro Ukrainian people by saying what Russia is doing is not good.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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What i or someone else want is not important for china

I just want to see how your gov react if China do what they planned for decades. I want to see how media reacts.. I want to see how stupid western european react.
I want to see Biden on CNN explaining how the US citizen do not need China LOL

Or do they just look away .. so they do if Israel bomb children in Palestine or if turkey bomb kurds children ...........

So do they react like to russia? Haha.. i dont think so.

We will see.. Taiwan war will happen :)
Israel Doesn't bomb children in the west bank or gaza. Have you not seen the painstaking efforts they take to clear a building? Knock bombs to notify them, phone calls. If arab terrorists like hamas and hezbollah use children as human shields thats on them. I will not let you spread that anti-Semitic propaganda here. You are a liar and a propogandist. Makes sense coming from a german nazi swine.