Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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On today: The explosion of the Crimean bridge - 4 dead. Massive attack on the territory of Ukraine - 12 dead and 80 wounded.
This is Zelensky's data. This includes air defense. For example, an air defense missile hit the Klitschko pedestrian bridge. These are Russian strikes. Russia does not want to destroy the Ukrainian population, otherwise there would be many more killed.
Russia continues to destroy the Ukrainian population, otherwise there would not be any more killed.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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What I find most interesting in this picture is there is an Israeli flag on the biggest bomb of all.

Nice touch of Nazism there with more than a hint of antisemitism. You are only fooling yourself with any claims otherwise.

This is how safe Jewish people feel in your country



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Congratulations! You no longer have freedom of speech!
It is Reddit.
I guess your socialist/commie friends are celebrating as they have made many inroads into the USA to quash free speech. The authoritarians in the "elite" socialist/commie circles of our country are doing their best Putin impersonation to censor free thinking Americans. There's about to be a big reversal of that trend as Americans are finally waking up to see how enemies of our Constitution are trying to destroy our country. Trust me, they would feel very warm cozying up with your socialist/commie friends as long as they are allowed to continue their lies and hypocrisy just like the Putin regime.

Just wait until Elon Musk completes the transaction for Twatter..... :winktongue:

p.s. It's obvious you are trying your best to deflect from the Ukrainian discussion....but it ain't gonna work. See below....even those left of center are waking up.



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Congratulations! You no longer have freedom of speech!
It is Reddit.
View attachment 142266

On The contrary this is free speech in acton and fundamental in a working democracy. The people / admins who run the website believe that post shown does not fit in with their political beliefs or ideology thus they have exercised their right to remove it. There will be other sites were this post will be welcome but other posts may be removed. They were not forced to remove it at the behest of a dictator because it questions the legitimacy of his regime.

As an example, if someone paints a swastika on the wall off my house i will be removing it no matter what my government or my neighbours think. I have this right were as you do not. The swastika would stay
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Look, @N-i-k-s-o-n @Lyudmila @wrapter

It's actually a very simple logic equation here .. there is no need to complicate this further ..

1) Ukraine emerges from the Soviet Union as the 3rd largest Nuclear Weapons Power .. 3rd largest.

2) USA and Russia make a deal, and provides security assurances to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine becoming a non-nuclear weapons county.

3) Russia betrays their brothers in Ukraine in 2014 and takes Crimea and some of the Donbas areas.

4) Russia once again betrays Ukraine again in Feb 2022 ..

This of course forces the USA and UK to respond.

It is really that simple. This is the deal that was made .. this was the betrayal of Russia to Ukraine .. no one awake should ever trust Russia with the current leaders and system ..

This is what Russia got themselves into .. and the lesson to Ukraine was not to give up their nuclear weapons ..

This lesson is learned now by the entire world .. having Nuclear Weapons is good .. thanks to the Russian Invasion and Putin's threats to use Nuclear weapons the lesson is reinforced each time Putin and his allies repeat "I have Nuclear Weapons, you should allow to to take as much of Ukraine as I wish."

Key back ground:

1994 Trilateral Statement

The Massandra Accords set the stage for the ultimately successful trilateral talks. As the United States mediated between Russia and Ukraine, the three countries signed the Trilateral Statement on January 14, 1994. Ukraine committed to full disarmament ( of Nuclear weapons ), including strategic weapons, in exchange for economic support and security assurances from the United States and Russia. Ukraine agreed to transfer its nuclear warheads to Russia and accepted U.S. assistance in dismantling missiles, bombers, and nuclear infrastructure. Ukraine’s warheads would be dismantled in Russia, and Ukraine would receive compensation for the commercial value of the highly enriched uranium. Ukraine ratified START on February 3, 1994, repealing its earlier preconditions, but it would not accede to the NPT without further security assurances.

1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances

To solidify security commitments to Ukraine, the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances on December 5, 1994. ..



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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@Griswalduk , good morning!
I usually don't answer nonsense, but this is a masterpiece!
What I find most interesting in this picture is there is an Israeli flag on the biggest bomb of all.
This is bad news for your eyesight - all bombs are the same size.
Nice touch of Nazism there with more than a hint of antisemitism.
This picture shows the attitude in the world to the military actions of different countries. Bombing Ukraine is good, bombing Russia is bad, bombing Israel - no one notices.
This is how safe Jewish people feel in your country
Where are they going? Maybe to Ukraine or the USA? Yes, we know that many Jews with cries of "we don't want to live in a state that bombs a neighboring country" left in.... Israel! Attention - Israel is constantly bombing the neighboring country. It's their choice).

Jews are leaving for Israel. Weird, right?

The link is excellent Russophobic propaganda. That's where you get the words for your posts from).


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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@Griswalduk is have no free speech, most everything is censored BY YOUR GOVERNMENT and this is why we are skeptical and take everything you say with a grain of salt. We know you will be subject to severe penalties if you tell the truth. You know it and so do we! Only China and North Korea surpass Russia regarding censorship and penalties and that's not good company to be in if you want to be free.



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Dave Smith: "the promise when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.....blah, blah, blah....NATO promised verbally and in writing....blah, blah, blah...."

It just goes to show you that in this country we have the freedom to say whatever we want, right or wrong....that is until the authoritarian leftist/commies/socialist attempt to block dissent.




IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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David Smith does a good job reciting Kremlin Propaganda ..

Honestly, if you call The Revolution of Dignity / Maidan Revolution / Ukrainian Revolution which took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests a coup, then you should be calling the Russian Revolution a Coup, The French Revolution a coup, the American Revolution a coup .. well, it should be clear that there is a lot incorrect and wrong with the story David Smith cites ..

Again this is really simple .. posted here once more .. :

Look, @N-i-k-s-o-n @Lyudmila @wrapter

It's actually a very simple logic equation here .. there is no need to complicate this further ..

1) Ukraine emerges from the Soviet Union as the 3rd largest Nuclear Weapons Power .. 3rd largest.

2) USA and Russia make a deal, and provides security assurances to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine becoming a non-nuclear weapons county.

3) Russia betrays their brothers in Ukraine in 2014 and takes Crimea and some of the Donbas areas.

4) Russia once again betrays Ukraine again in Feb 2022 ..

This of course forces the USA and UK to respond.

It is really that simple. This is the deal that was made .. this was the betrayal of Russia to Ukraine .. no one awake should ever trust Russia with the current leaders and system ..

This is what Russia got themselves into .. and the lesson to Ukraine was not to give up their nuclear weapons ..

This lesson is learned now by the entire world .. having Nuclear Weapons is good .. thanks to the Russian Invasion and Putin's threats to use Nuclear weapons the lesson is reinforced each time Putin and his allies repeat "I have Nuclear Weapons, you should allow to to take as much of Ukraine as I wish."

Key back ground:

1994 Trilateral Statement

The Massandra Accords set the stage for the ultimately successful trilateral talks. As the United States mediated between Russia and Ukraine, the three countries signed the Trilateral Statement on January 14, 1994. Ukraine committed to full disarmament ( of Nuclear weapons ), including strategic weapons, in exchange for economic support and security assurances from the United States and Russia. Ukraine agreed to transfer its nuclear warheads to Russia and accepted U.S. assistance in dismantling missiles, bombers, and nuclear infrastructure. Ukraine’s warheads would be dismantled in Russia, and Ukraine would receive compensation for the commercial value of the highly enriched uranium. Ukraine ratified START on February 3, 1994, repealing its earlier preconditions, but it would not accede to the NPT without further security assurances.

1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances

To solidify security commitments to Ukraine, the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances on December 5, 1994. ..

.. and btw .. this is a short quick summary of David Smith and how little he really knows ..

This gentleman is full of "shi..."
Oct 9, 2022

Operator Starsky

In this world there are three things I consider to be the worst: conspiracy theories, kremlin's propaganda, and when public people retranslate them both into masses, gaining millions of views.

Ignorancy is evil, and speaking of ignorancy - meet Mr. Dave Smith.



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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@Griswalduk , good morning!
I usually don't answer nonsense, but this is a masterpiece!

This is bad news for your eyesight - all bombs are the same size.

This picture shows the attitude in the world to the military actions of different countries. Bombing Ukraine is good, bombing Russia is bad, bombing Israel - no one notices.

Where are they going? Maybe to Ukraine or the USA? Yes, we know that many Jews with cries of "we don't want to live in a state that bombs a neighboring country" left in.... Israel! Attention - Israel is constantly bombing the neighboring country. It's their choice).

Jews are leaving for Israel. Weird, right?

The link is excellent Russophobic propaganda. That's where you get the words for your posts from).
You'll be saying the Holocaust didn't happen next


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2022
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Look, @N-i-k-s-o-n @Lyudmila @wrapter

It's actually a very simple logic equation here .. there is no need to complicate this further ..

1) Ukraine emerges from the Soviet Union as the 3rd largest Nuclear Weapons Power .. 3rd largest.

2) USA and Russia make a deal, and provides security assurances to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine becoming a non-nuclear weapons county.

3) Russia betrays their brothers in Ukraine in 2014 and takes Crimea and some of the Donbas areas.

4) Russia once again betrays Ukraine again in Feb 2022 ..

This of course forces the USA and UK to respond.

It is really that simple. This is the deal that was made .. this was the betrayal of Russia to Ukraine .. no one awake should ever trust Russia with the current leaders and system ..

This is what Russia got themselves into .. and the lesson to Ukraine was not to give up their nuclear weapons ..

This lesson is learned now by the entire world .. having Nuclear Weapons is good .. thanks to the Russian Invasion and Putin's threats to use Nuclear weapons the lesson is reinforced each time Putin and his allies repeat "I have Nuclear Weapons, you should allow to to take as much of Ukraine as I wish."

Key back ground:

1994 Trilateral Statement

The Massandra Accords set the stage for the ultimately successful trilateral talks. As the United States mediated between Russia and Ukraine, the three countries signed the Trilateral Statement on January 14, 1994. Ukraine committed to full disarmament ( of Nuclear weapons ), including strategic weapons, in exchange for economic support and security assurances from the United States and Russia. Ukraine agreed to transfer its nuclear warheads to Russia and accepted U.S. assistance in dismantling missiles, bombers, and nuclear infrastructure. Ukraine’s warheads would be dismantled in Russia, and Ukraine would receive compensation for the commercial value of the highly enriched uranium. Ukraine ratified START on February 3, 1994, repealing its earlier preconditions, but it would not accede to the NPT without further security assurances.

1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances

To solidify security commitments to Ukraine, the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances on December 5, 1994. ..

You accidentally missed some important points, so I will remind you of them:

1) Ukraine emerges from the Soviet Union as the 3rd largest Nuclear Weapons Power .. 3rd largest.

2) USA and Russia make a deal, and provides security assurances to Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine becoming a non-nuclear weapons county.

3) The United States supports the overthrow of the legally elected president of Ukraine in 2014 (Victoria Nuland cookies and many other things that the BBC did not tell you about), do not notice the terror against Russian-speaking citizens in Odessa and other cities of the South-East of Ukraine.

4) Western countries "do not notice" the development of Nazism in Ukraine, the glorification and renaming of streets in honor of Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera (read Wikipedia, who is this).

5) The inhabitants of Crimea have made their choice that they want to be part of the Russian world and part of Russia.

6) The United States and Western countries organize a network of biolaboratories in Ukraine, using psychiatric patients as experimental subjects, pump the country with weapons, support the expansion of Nazi formations, and, as usual, do not notice the constant shelling of Donbass (air conditioners simply explode there).

7) Russia finally decides to protect the population of the eastern regions of Ukraine.

Regarding nuclear weapons: yes, this is a reliable defense against the "democratic rights and freedoms" that the US and its satellite countries carry on the wings of their bombers.


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2022
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You'll be saying the Holocaust didn't happen next
You often turn to the topic of the Holocaust and the oppression of the Jews. It is strange how in your head this coexists with blindness regarding the glorification of Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych in Ukraine, information about this, in particular, is confirmed in the Yad Vashem memorial museum.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Thank you for pointing out Stepan Bandera. To me a Nazi is a Nazi it doesn't matter where they come from. For balance I will add this Ukrainian to the list of Russian Nazi trash that I regularly highlight here.

For those interested link below



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Another flim-flam Russian "election"....LMAO! Besides, Russia, in 1991, already had agreed to accept existing borders of Ukraine so the fake Russian election should have never taken place within Ukrainian territory.




Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2022
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Another flim-flam Russian "election"....LMAO! Besides, Russia, in 1991, already had agreed to accept existing borders of Ukraine so the fake Russian election should have never taken place within Ukrainian territory.

Thanks for suggesting this article. It was written in 2019. Since then, Russia has annexed 4 more regions of the former Ukrainian SSR, and we still do not care about the opinion of Western countries. Citizens of Russia create advanced nuclear reactors, residents of European countries buy wood-burning stoves and learn to wipe 4 places on the body with a wet rag.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Thanks for suggesting this article. It was written in 2019. Since then, Russia has annexed 4 more regions of the former Ukrainian SSR, and we still do not care about the opinion of Western countries. Citizens of Russia create advanced nuclear reactors, residents of European countries buy wood-burning stoves and learn to wipe 4 places on the body with a wet rag.
LMAO, we already know you don't care about facts. I feel sorry for all of those in North Korea, China and Russian who don't have an opportunity to know the truth because of disinformation, lies, propaganda and blocking access to real information. I can certainly understand your anger. I'd be pissed off all the time too if I was a Russian citizen. :rofl:

As far as many western Europeans, they are getting exactly what they deserve. They were soooo stupid to believe the woke tree huggers and their double-dumbness was to believe anything the Putin regime had to say. Sorry to say that those in western Europe that didn't eat up the lies of the socialist/commie/woke have to suffer as a result of bad decisions by their countrymen. It's a battle we fight here in the USA also. But, I think the dummies in my country are starting to wake up. You my friend don't have an opportunity to wake up because you are stuck in the nightmare. Good luck with that. ;)