
Young grasshopper
Dec 15, 2021
I recently noticed in the DMSS app that my doorbell cameras had a firmware update pending. The new firmware was Eng_N_V1.000.020000000.7.R.20220615 and the release notes said:
This version fixes some bugs, improves the product performance

After upgrading, I noticed that button press events were no longer being sent to Home Assistant using the Dahua integration, in fact no events were being sent over at all. When I tried loading the HTTP API manually in a browser I got:
Not Implemented!

So apparently Dahua decided that a working HTTP API, and the associated event handling is a "bug" and removed it.

I have since downgraded using firmeare files from Index of /images/Files/Firmware
and downgraded to DH_IPC-WDB-Joule_Eng_N_CA_V1.000.0000000.0.R.211015.bin using the SmartPSS Windows application
Though they also have DH_IPC-WDB-Joule_Eng_N_nonCA_V1.000.0000000.0.R.211015.bin which would probably work as well (I chose CA which I think is for Canada where I live?)
After the downgrade everything works properly again.

I submitted a ticket to Dahua USA, however I'm not optimistic they'll work on fixing this.
You got lucky that you could downgrade - many devices are now not allowing that.

It is why we say often here "Don't fix what ain't broke" and if the device is working for your needs, in many instances a firmware update breaks something we used.

Only update if the release notes specifically address an issue you have, otherwise this is another unit of a long list of devices that have functionality changed with a firmware update:

Here are issues I have seen people report here where they were upgrading just for the sake of upgrading:
  • A Dahua Z12E that someone updated and then constantly reboots comes to mind.
  • The Dahua 49225 and 49425 PTZ that loses autotracking with an update come to mind.
  • The Hikvision DS-2DEA425IW-DW PTZ that loses autotracking with an update comes to mind.
  • A Hikvision ANPR camera losing half the FPS and loses the ability to read US plates - those are big deals to have happen.
  • A Hikvision ANPR DS-2CD4A26FWD camera that lost all ability to read plates - kinda makes the camera useless.
  • A Hikvision camera that the user lost ability to control the LED light function at night.
  • Hikvision DS-7616NI-Q2 NVR that has the APIs changed.
  • A Hikvision wifi camera that loses the ability to use wifi after a firmware update.
  • DH-DB61 Doorbell that loses API functionality.
  • Hikvision iVM4200 v3.8 - loses the free ability to use the computer as storage.
  • Dahua IPC-HFW1320S that started phoning home using 60MB/hr and costing someone thousands of dollars in data overages.
  • Dahua 5442 that will not allow playback of the SD card.
  • Countless other instances where the camera or NVR simply bricked and became useless.
  • Countless examples where the camera or NVR went into Chinese.
Don't do it unless it is fixing a problem you are experiencing or adds a feature you really need.
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In this case I was not "upgrading for the sake of upgrading", I was actually experiencing an issue that I hoped the update would resolve.
It turned out that my issue was not with the firmware though, my issue turned out to be NVR related, but by the time I figured that out (and solved it) it was too late.

That said, I wanted to make sure to post this here for 2 reasons, first to warn against the "upgrade", but more importantly, we have a few threads already on this site advising to purchase this doorbell for this capability. This post will serve as a warning to new purchasers that they may not get the functionality they desire if the device comes with newer firmware!
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I note that Dahua have released new DB61 firmware with build date (09-03-2022) filename revision of (V1.000.0000000.7.R.220615). The minor revision seems to be different from the initial post which includes feature change (.020000000).

Is anyone running this version? Of course I'm interested to know whether the HTTP API interface is retained after the upgrade.
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Copy of the firmware binary that supports local API. Use Config Tool to install.
I am getting an upgrade failure message with the attached binary.
the fimrware update does start.. but at about the 50% mark (with config tool), it fails with an error message that simply says "Upgrade failed"

Was there anything in particular that you had to do to complete this?
Thanks for the info. I just got a Imou DB61i yesterday and now the new firmware version 2023-08-19 is shown to me. Yesterday I was shown the old version from 2022. :)

Have you already tested the version with Home Assistant? There with the HA Onvif integration and the Dahua addon from rroller?

BTW: I currently have the problem that the Imou DB61i cannot be integrated into my Dahua NVR2108-I NVR and I still have no idea why it doesn't work. I connected 4 Dahua cameras and even an Amcrest AD110 to the NVR without any problems, but the Imou just won't connect. :(

It cannot be integrated via Onvif either.

It can be easily integrated into SmartPSS and DMSS but not into my Dahua NVR2108-I.o_O
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Have you already tested the version with Home Assistant? There with the HA Onvif integration and the Dahua addon from rroller?

Yes, I am using the custom integration from rroller

BTW: I currently have the problem that the Imou DB61i cannot be integrated into my Dahua NVR2108-I NVR and I still have no idea why it doesn't work.
You are probably using the wrong password. It is the "safety code" which is printed on the device label. If you can't find it, scan the QR barcode and decode it from the string.
OK thanks - then I'll probably test the new firmware.

Have you also tested the button of the doobell? Sensor "Alarm Local" (= Button Press) is working?


"Smart Motion Human" and "Smart Motion Vehicle" is working? This didn't work for me with the old 2021 firmware.

My NVR problem: No the "safety code" (like: N12300A1) on the label is the default PW for Onvif. The admin password is what I set up myself via the app. The admin password works everywhere like Dahua SmartPSS, Dahue DMSS App, Dahua ConfigTool, HA Dahua addon, tinyCam Monitor App, and so on. It just doesn't work with Dahua NVR. Neither when I integrate the camera directly via port 37777 nor when I try it via Onvif with the "safety code" PW. :(

Edit: I have now installed the new firmware but the problem with the Dahua NVR still persists. No connection possible. :banghead:
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Have you also tested the button of the doobell? Sensor "Alarm Local" (= Button Press) is working?

Yes, it works nicely as you describe. doorbell_alarm_local goes to unsafe when the call button is pressed

"Smart Motion Human" and "Smart Motion Vehicle" is working? This didn't work for me with the old 2021 firmware.
It doesn't work for me neither but the general doorbell_motion_alarm works perfectly

The admin password works everywhere like Dahua SmartPSS, Dahue DMSS App, Dahua ConfigTool, HA Dahua addon, tinyCam Monitor App, and so on. It just doesn't work with Dahua NVR. Neither when I integrate the camera directly via port 37777 nor when I try it via Onvif with the "safety code" PW. :(
I'm not entirely sure but it could a compatibility issue with the encoding, try using basic H264 by configuring it through SmartPSS. You should do this for it to work better in Home Assistant as browsers/clients don't support H265 particularly well. Another thing to try is to create a new admin user through SmartPSS specifically for onvif and try that. I see on other forum posts that often works.

Here is my setup for my DB61i

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Good morning

Thanks for the information. OK, it seems normal that "Smart Motion Human" and "Smart Motion Vehicle" doesn't work with the rroller addon and the DB61i.

NRV-Problem: I have the same settings as you and I have already tried other codec settings as a test. Yes I know the "H.265 problem". :)

I also did some tests with the Onvif Device Manager, Dahua SmartPSS and Dahua Config Tool, so I know pretty exactly which passwords work. There are two passwords:
1. The "normal" access/account for e.g. RTSP-Stream, Dahua Config Tool, SmartPSS and so on.
= admin + the password I assigned in the Imou App
2. The Onvif access/account for HA Onvif Integration, Onvif Device Manager and so on.
= admin + the "safety code" (like: N12300A1) password on the label

However, both types of access do not work with the Dahua NVR and no, there is no firewall that may prevent access. ;)

I will now reset the camera again and then not assign an admin password myself. Let's see what happens.

Yesterday I also sent an email to Imou (which are a Dahua subsidiary) support and asked how it could be that the DB61i (which comes from Dahua) doesn't work on/with a Dahua NVR. :rofl: Let's see if and what they answer.
I can't imagine why it shouldn't work if you can successfully stream over RTSP and ONVIF. My DB61 is connected to HA using Dahua API and ONVIF without issue. ONVIF provides some additional features. e.g. reboot.

I did see a situation in the past where the RTSP failed when complex passwords with symbols were used, e.g. £&@, etc. Try using a simple password with just letters and numbers.
I paid attention to that too. ;) My admin password consists only of numbers and letters without special characters and the "safety code" is somthing like N12300A1.

Access works with all kinds of applications and apps (HA Dahua addon, HA Onvif Integration, Dahua SmartPSS, Dahua Config Tool, Onvif Device Manager, VLC RTSP-Stream, Dahua DMSS App, tinycam Monitor App, an so on). Just not with the Dahua NVR. :banghead: No matter what type of (ports) access I try on/with the Dahua NVR.

DB61i Ports

I already use an Amcrest AD110 and, as far as the access data is concerned, it is virtually identical to the AD410 and therefore to the Imou DB61i. The Amcrest can be easily integrated into the Dahua NVR. See Screeshot (channel 4 = AD110) in #12.

The last attempt is now a reset and if it doesn't work then I hope that Imou Support has an idea. I've run out of ideas. :confused:

Edit: Unfortunately, resetting the camera didn't help either. Now there is only one and the same Password for admin (the safety code) but still unable to connect to the NVR. Even rebooting the NVR didn't help.
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