Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

It's just gonna get weirder and weirder because society is enabling this.

Does that enable me to get a parking spot at the front of the store at 6pm on a Friday night?????

All those people in wheelchairs should park at the back of the lot. Heck all they need to do is sit in a chair and have someone push them around :rolleyes:
Or else what? The Human Rights Campaign will stop purchasing AB products? LMAO.
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Or else what? The Human Rights Campagne will stop purchasing AB products? LMAO.
Why can't these damn companies (Coca Cola, Goodyear, Bank of America, AB/Budweiser, to name just a small fraction) just stick to making a product or performing a service and leave it at that? Concentrate on all the properties that make a good product or service (price, reliability, availability, support and more) and stay out of politics?

I could not care less about who or what they support.....are they going to refuse to sell to me because of what I think or who I support?

The problem is these companies are full of themselves and have decided they are indispensable. They think a lot more of themselves than do the general public.....the public that buys their products/services and is responsible for their success and profit and do NOT like to be lied to or led around by the nose.

I'm not a big fan of cancel-culture but my feelings for not being coerced into accepting something I don't support are a LOT stronger...AB can kiss my ass. :mad:
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worth my time :

From Citizens to Serfs: How the Middle Class is Eroding in America | Victor Davis Hanson

Not what actual buyers are showing with their spending habits lol