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  1. J

    Social Security (

    I used the as well, since I already had an account with them.
  2. J

    Need Help with False Alerts

    Sorry, not able to help, but adding a "+1" to this. For some reason static object analysis is very random with my setup; works most of the time, but sometimes (like last night) got 100+ alerts for the car parked in my driveway.
  3. J

    The official "WTF" thread

    That's a few miles away from where most of my extended family lives and I'm pretty familiar with the road. Same HS my niece graduated from years ago. So tragic and senseless.
  4. J

    Funny / Satire

    I'm so much happier that she's on time for it now...
  5. J

    Home insurance rate increases

    My homeowners insurance dropped 10% this year for no apparent reason. However, I will learn in August or so if I am one of the "lucky" ones getting dropped in part because the idiots at CAL FIRE rezoned a bunch of areas to put them in the "severe" fire risk area in order to build their empire.
  6. J

    The official "WTF" thread

    Actually, its more that states don't want to register them due to questionable compliance with DOT regulations, from what I've read. The chicken tax is only for new vehicles, and these are old enough to be exempted from this.
  7. J

    Would you trust this device?

    Unfortunately, need to stay in this loony-toons state for a few more years before I can retire, and then I hope that I can sell my house (can't sell if new buyers can't get insurance). The idiots from CDF didn't help by claiming that pretty much any area that is state responsibility is "high...
  8. J

    Would you trust this device?

    Those State Farm bastards just raised my rates 75% because of a single ticket... First one in 30+ years. And in a couple months, I get to find out if I am one of the "lucky" ones that they are dropping from their homeowners coverage.
  9. J

    Funny / Satire

    I remember the original and I'm not quite yet 60 (but inching closer), but Telsa (the band, not the car brand) covered the song in 1990.
  10. J

    Money & Economics

    The left is still trying to maintain their lie that Trump only cut taxes for the wealthy. Then, somehow, FJB is going to let this expire, their taxes will go up, and he'll blame Republicans for it. Yes, these people are gullible. And they get the same vote as informed people.
  11. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Unfortunately, there are many who base their vote on the opinion of the people they idolize. Terrifying....
  12. J

    Another day, another boat crashing into my dock... sigh

    Can you put out bollards or something to prevent this? Just drive a couple pilings a foot out or so?
  13. J

    Chrome ending 3rd Party cookies

    Google is inherently evil. Drop them like a bad habit.
  14. J

    The official "WTF" thread

    The bridge was racists, anyway, since it was named for the guy who wrote the Star Spangled Banner.
  15. J

    3 suspects follow North Texas man home from bank, try to break into car

    What I learned in an emergency vehicle operations class, if your life is being threatened (a gun pointed at you), self-defense is allowed, and it doesn't matter what weapon you use to defend yourself. Run over the bastard and do society a favor. Yes, this was in the People's Republik, to...
  16. J

    Suggestions for indoor wifi cameras with Blue Iris for occasional use when traveling

    I have a few Axis P3433 that were upgraded to newer cams, a couple Amcrest IP-841, as well as a couple Dahua IPC-K42A that I picked up from Andy for indoor use. They all work well for this purpose. I have BI set up to automatically record these cameras when everyone in the home is outside of...
  17. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    And these dumbshits are the ones claiming that the right wants "censorship"...
  18. J

    Confusion over Static Object Analysis

    I've read the manual, and tried setting a few different things, but I still can't seem to understand how to set up static object analysis. I only need to use it on a couple cameras that see my driveway to eliminate parked cars, so I turned it on only for these cameras by checking the box on the...
  19. J

    Money & Economics

    They're just trying to prove that Trump overvalued his properties.
  20. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    This is the crap I put up with living where I do... The locals go on and on about how one candidate is better than the other, and in reality, they are the same shit in a different diaper.
  21. J

    Network Structure Feedback/Recommendations

    For what it's worth, I have four networks-- ipcams, iot devices, main, and guest. I find that it meets my needs sufficiently.
  22. J

    Super Bowl!

    It's a shame that the value placed on life these days is so low that one can shoot another person for looking at him. The fact that one can be offended by this, and take such a rash action, must be de-programmed.
  23. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    "Moose Lake is a city in Carlton County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 2,789 at the 2020 census. Interstate 35, State Highways 27 and 73, County 10, and County 61 are the main routes in Moose Lake. Moose Lake State Park is nearby. " I don't think a next-to-nothing sized town in...
  24. J

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    You have no proof of that statement.
  25. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Selling it to someone else doesn't do anything to reduce the carbon footprint... She should have destroyed it!
  26. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    I was thinking of something along the same lines... I think she should go .... herself.
  27. J

    Dahua is now selling traffic signals

    I hope Andy puts lists them in the next sale flyer...
  28. J

    Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

    Stop using them, and use a search engine that won't track your every move and profit off of it. G**gle is pure evil.
  29. J

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Great guide! A couple questions, though: What should I use for testing in Step 10? Should I use a generic pic containing stuff that I want to detect, or should I use something I grab as a snapshot from my local environment? And does this do anything to help eliminate false hits, or is it...