Search results

  1. DebrodeD

    Skip ahead/back by X seconds in BI app?

    I recently switched from only recording motion events to recording 24/7 using substreams. I cut to 1 hour long chunks, but it's made it very difficult to navigate forward/back a few seconds at a time in the mobile app. I just switched to 15 min chunks to help that out, but still, it's more...
  2. DebrodeD

    Reolink Wifi Doorbell Setup in Blue Iris and Tinycam - Help!

    Are there screenshots or instructions for the proper way to setup this doorbell camera in Blue Iris and tinycam? I haven't been able to find anything surprisingly. I've got video & audio working in BI, but talkback isn't working. And I've got video working in tinycam, but audio & talkback both...
  3. DebrodeD

    Blue Iris secure session & keys vs stunnel?

    I access my Blue Iris server remotely often, usually from work, somtimes from 4G (via android mobile app). I also control my BI via SmartThings with an integration that changes the profile based on my home profile. I recently set up HTTPs via Stunnel and it broke my SmartThings integration. I've...
  4. DebrodeD

    Loving my new POE Switch!

    Man, I wish I had gotten one of these earlier, I wasted so much money on individual poe adapters (the tp-link ones for $16) and they made my utility closet a mess of wires. I got the BV-tech 10/100 switch first thinking that it was gigabit (because it has gigabit uplink), but then ended up...
  5. DebrodeD

    Front Door Directional Doorbell chime

    I have a camera monitoring my front door and walkway up to the front door. I've setup zones so that when somebody approaches my doorway or leaves it triggers a recording. However, I also have an alert send a doorbell chime to my phone everytime this happens. However, I don't actually need an...
  6. DebrodeD

    Best Cheap POE Camera for Driveway monitoring?

    I have a few Amcrest 3MP bullets and they've done well, but have started failing now that they're out of warranty (of course), so I'm hoping to get something a little more dependable to use with my blue iris server. Is there a good turret/bullet POE camera that everyone agrees is the one to get...
  7. DebrodeD

    Major problems connecting to server from outside home network

    As of a few weeks ago I've been having issues connecting to my blue iris server from my android devices when not at home. I haven't changed any settings and I've checked and my external ip hasn't changed. Is this a known issue? I'm hoping there's a fix coming soon or is there something I can do?
  8. DebrodeD

    Slight tearing on blue iris recording

    I'm seeing a slight tearing when blue iris records video on one of my cameras. It doesn't do this in live view, only in recording. I've attached an example of what it looks like (that green line at the bottom of the recording). The line looks like distortion from an old VHS tape, it's always at...
  9. DebrodeD

    Blue Iris Notifications not working on new phone

    My wife just got a new Honor 6x and it doesn't receive new blue iris push notifications unless the blue iris app is open on the screen. The push notifications work fine on my phone (galaxy s6). I have tried reinstalling the app, making sure notifications are turned on, and making sure her user &...