Search results

  1. BigFoot

    Physically small IP camera

    Hello All Can anyone point me in the right directions ..... I'm looking for a physically small IP camera to use externally on my touring caravan ( for the Yanks in here, it's kinda like what you lot call a toy hauler with accommodation) ;) Aside from being physically small, I'm looking for...
  2. BigFoot

    ProVision - ISR camera's

    Hello all Does anyone have any experience of the Israeli ProVision-IRS range of IP camera's Hoping everyone is well & wishing you all a very Happy Christmas
  3. BigFoot

    Blue iris issue

    Hello all Recently when accessing BI, all I can see are my camera's ! I can't see any of the controls, no clips, no status bars at the bottom of the page - just the camera's Have I done something wrong &/or if so, how do I fix it Many thanks, Tony
  4. BigFoot

    Electronics question

    Hello all I have an electronics question for you I've bought a PC that runs on 12v DC and want to run it in my caravan, on 12v My lowest DC supply circuit is 12v 10 amps but the PC needs 12v 5 amps (60 watts) How do I limit the supply to this PC - is it just a case of an inline 5 amp fuse...
  5. BigFoot

    Upgrading to latest version of BI

    Hello all I'm currently runing version 4.8 ish of BI If I purchase the new version : 1. Do I need to deactivate my current version before installing V5 2. If I export my settings, will that save all the configurations of my current camera's for my new install 3. If NO for set 2, is there...
  6. BigFoot

    BI to external alarm

    Hello hive mind Hope you've all had a lovely Christmas Does anyone know of any instructions / information for connecting a BI machine to an external siren ? As well as the system which records all camera's 24/7, I'd like to make use of an external siren when movement is detected Thank you...
  7. BigFoot

    Wondering if this would be possible

    Hello, I live in a small village and would like to set up a community CCTV system Would it be technically possible to have multiple IP camera's around the village (on peoples homes, connected to their computer & their internet) and sending the images to one central Blue Iris computer ? The...
  8. BigFoot

    Presidential State Visit

    To anyone in th US. Ignore anything you see on the news about protests for President Trumps visit to the UK. As our longest standing Allie & with strong ties between our 2 nations the majority of British people are proud to be the host nation in honouring your President on his state visit.
  9. BigFoot

    Cheap eBay camera's

    Hello all, Does anyone have any experience of the cheaper IP camera's available on eBay ? I have a requirement for an ancillary camera (or 3). The Uniview cams I have cost me £83 (about $105) each and they are great, but I've found a few generic bullet camera's for around £28 each ($35) Both...
  10. BigFoot

    Upgrade to BI5

    As a fairly recent new user to BI (v4) but sadly not eligible for free upgrade -- if i get v5 & a new key, can I transfer my copy of v4 (with my current existing key) to a different system ?
  11. BigFoot

    Object detection vs Motion Detection

    Hello all, Which one do most people use - what is your preference & why ? Only asking as I'm getting a LOT of false alerts due to night-time prowling felines :) Thank you in advance for any contribution / reply
  12. BigFoot

    What's with the 'red' border ?

    Hello all, Has anyone any idea why one of my camera's in 'clips', 'alerts' or just in general view has a red border ?
  13. BigFoot

    OK, who's clever with networking ?

    Hello all, OK, my BI system is starting to take shape now. It is a dedicated i7 PC running on the home network via the POE switch. It's 'monitor' is our flat screen tv in the lounge This message is being typed on a seperate PC (an Acer) which is my common go-to home PC, also on the home...
  14. BigFoot

    Still struggling to get BI to see a new camera

    Hello all After a lot of help with @alastairstevenson , I can now get my PC's to see the new camera in a bowser, but still cannot add it to BI --I just get the grey box 'Cam 4 no signal' However, when I entered the camera ip details & pressed 'find/inspect', Blue Iris reported with : Opening...
  15. BigFoot

    Interesting for Hikvision users

    Interesting article for anyone running Hikvision camera's, published a week ago Cameras Linked to Chinese Government Stir Alarm in U.K. Parliament
  16. BigFoot

    Daft question, but bear with me ....

    Got a new IP camera and the default IP address is In changing my network setting so that I can log into it (and thereafter change the IP address to that of my system) what setting should I use for : IP Address Subnet Mask Default gateway Sorry to appear dim but its been a long...
  17. BigFoot

    Really struggling with SADP

    Hello all I've just bought a Hikvision DS-2CD2335FWD - I camera but for the life of me I cannot connect it via SADP It is set to the default Hikvision IP ( but no matter what I try it is just not seeing it. It also doesn't show up under Angry IP scanner What is confusing is that...
  18. BigFoot

    Non-pc based system

    Hello all, A good friend of mine would like to set up a domestic CCTV system, but unlike mine which is PC/BlueIris based, he wishes to use a standalone NVR, without any PC connection Installing an set of IP camera's with POE, may I ask to those who know : Do the camera's connect directly to...
  19. BigFoot

    Wifi IP camera's

    Hello All, So , as the title says -- wifi IP camera's Preferably around the 2MP image quality - can anyone recommend any decent makes that are worth consideration ? My main system is all hardwired, but I have 1 garden location where power is available but hard cabling is a difficult option...
  20. BigFoot

    UDP Technology IPE 3510 camera's

    Hello Has anyone ever used any of these camera's ? They are a commercial grade camera that have a Sony CCD sensor rather than the more usual CMOS sensor If anyone has any experience of them, please let me know what you thought of them Many thanks & kind regards
  21. BigFoot

    Adding a wifi camera to Blue Iris - is it possible ?

    My CCTV setup will mainly be hardwired on Cat6 cable but as part of the whole CCTV / network setup I have added a second router to act as a repeater (same as the main router, a Fritz!box 3490) I have a location outdoors looking back towards the home Whilst power to the camera would be...
  22. BigFoot

    Crossing power supply cables

    Hello All Working out the routes for cabling to at least two of my external camera locations and I will have to cross 240v mains supply cables What is the best way to do this & does the Cat6 cable need shielding in any way (to avoid interference) The cables I need to cross are fitted...
  23. BigFoot

    Hikvision vs Dahua ?

    Hello, Noob question here ,apologies if its been asked before Which brand of camera (Hikvision or Dahua) is easiest to set up with BI for a complete beginner
  24. BigFoot

    Just over 2 1/2 hours

    Hello from the UK With just a little over 2 1/2 hours to go to midnight may I take the opportunity to wish all IPCT Members all the very best for a Happy New Year May 2019 bring you all the happiness :)
  25. BigFoot

    Best camera's for Blue Iris

    Hello all Finally got BI set up on my PC so Its time to start connecting camera's I purchased off eBay two QVIS camera's but no matter what I try I cannot get BI to detect them, so .... What are the best brand of camera to buy for use with BI Ideally I'm looking for something that BI will...
  26. BigFoot

    A BIG thank you to Mike

    OK, so I purchased BI from IPCT today and downloaded it Would the bugger install ? Would it heck as like Mike very kindly offered to remote access my Blue Iris dedicated PC in order to resolve the issue which didn't take him long. Seemingly a 'naming' issue but readily rectified From the...
  27. BigFoot

    OK, now what ?

    I've just purchased & downloaded BI from IPCT, but the file in 'my downloads' folder doesn't do anything All I get is a screen asking me how I'd like to open it, but non of the options work Next step I suppose is to go to the BI website, download it from there and hope my activation key works
  28. BigFoot

    Carrying on with the pre-work

    There's a lot of work getting a nice neat CCTV installation, isn't there ! A good few hours today spent relocating my main router and putting in the Cat6 cable for the secondary router that will act as a repeater for wifi -- I kinda thought that if I was going to all this trouble of installing...
  29. BigFoot

    General security - windows

    Hello all Whilst we're all concerned with CCTV systems for security, does any one have any experience or can offer any recommendations in regards to window security in the form of window security film I am really interested in boosting 'physical' security by making the windows a harder place...
  30. BigFoot

    Blue Iris Configuration - Is this possible ?

    Hello all, I'm starting down the road of my own personal Blue Iris install and reading an awful lot about different things. To potentially save storage space from all camera's recording 24/7 perhaps some of the more experienced could answer me a question: Is it possible to have the camera's...