Search results

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    Blue Iris compatible doorbell/intercom/2 way audio

    For my needs (and maintain my sanity by reducing frustration), I decided to simply install the Ring Doorbell to augment my BI security cams. Since Ring does the 2-way intercom requirement well and saves video to the cloud at a reasonable cost, I decided this would work best. I use the BI cams to...
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    Video Door bell...

    I have been searching for the same thing - a project that makes a PiDoorbell. I haven't found a solution yet - just lots of similar inquries about the same. I want to leverage BI for the video and audio as far as looking and listening. My cams do not support 2-way audio so this is where I was...
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    Blue Iris compatible doorbell/intercom/2 way audio

    DUDE! I have been searching for leads on exactly the same thing. I haven't found a good solution though. I looked at Linphone as a possible solution. It's a VOIP (SIP) messaging system. For personal use it's free, as is a free SIP account thru Linphone. I just am frankly a bit lost on...
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    What's the best cloud backup for Blue Iris Alert images?

    I have used CrashPlan (14.95/month unlimited computers and unlimited storage) when I saved alerts and stored files on USB drives. I used Carbonite ($50/year for one computer) when I stored them to local drives. Both have their pros and cons. I'm upgrading my system to used larger internal drives...
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    Raspberry Pi as an IP Camera for BI

    Thank you so much for the suggestion. I will look into it.
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    Blue IRIS and IOT ( Internet of things)

    I am impressed and had no idea there was an open source message queing solution out there. I worked with IBM's MQ Series and Message Broker years ago that was used to send device telemetry to a central database repository. To achieve notification from device to BI, i built a simple serversocket...
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    Raspberry Pi as an IP Camera for BI

    Has anyone been able to use a Raspberry Pi or Pi Zero with the Camera module to act as an IP Camera for Blue Iris? I understand the latest V2 camera module has very good resolution. I am having a horrible time finding good doc on selecting and configuring the right software that would work well...
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    33 camera recommendation

    How much memory you have in that machine? You aren't seeing high degree of swapping?
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    DLINK IP CAMERAS (DCS 930L, etc)

    Just wanted to share. I have been using inexpensive DLINK IP Cams for my Blue Iris system for years now. While they are not HD, these cheap WiFi cameras do help give you eyes where you need it. I use the DCS-930L type that also has Audio. If using WiFi, I highly recommend you have a good 2.4GHx...
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    IFTT rest api help

    What you describe may be possible. using The Maker Channel on IFTTT. The Maker Channel can send out webrequests, GET, POST, etc. My case is a bit different and more complicated. I have Blue Iris run a script when motion is triggered that executes a Python application that sends an HTTP POST to...
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    Hardware requirement?

    I run Blue Iris on a Windows 10 refurbished Dell Desktop that has an i3 chip and 8G RAM that I picked up at Micro Center in Chicago. If that's all I run on it (in addition to antivirus of course), it performs adequately. I have 12 Dlink DCS-930L IP cameras (I connect them via ethernet, but the...
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    Blue Iris Support Issues

    I have usually received a quick response from Ken (within a day or to) of sending an email. I do wish BI would implement a better support service than reliance on email, but these things cost as do staff. If I could get a guaranteed SLA on support turnaround, I would gladly pay for it if it was...
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    blueiriscmd - A Python cmd tool for interfacing to the Blue Iris API

    I discovered this awesome project by Magnus Appelquist who constructed a python script he calls blueiriscmd, that allows you to send commands to Blue Iris via HTTP to read status, trigger events, change profile etc all from the command line or embed the python code into your own python scripts...
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    Custom Scripting on BI Arm & Disarm events

    Is there a way that when I Arm and Disarm BI from the console traffic icon or the remote app, BI will execute a script on the BI server? I have created a remote siren device using a Raspberry Pi such that when motion is detected on one of my cameraa, the BI trigger executes a custom script that...