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  1. X

    So, with H265 what are the hardware suggestions for a ~1400MP/S setup? (12x8mp)

    Hi all, so I saw the very helpful rundown of what you need to choose for hardware specs based on megapixels per second, however it seems slightly dated, and perhaps a bit overkill based on some systems I've seen mentioned on the odd post, but looking to get some input from you guys for cpu...
  2. X

    Are these an hikvision clone? Have two arriving on friday, looking for more info. (Anpviz IPC-D280W-S-3X)

    Hi all, so I was tossing up between some amcrest cameras and these, because some fucking asshole just ripped my garage camera down and stole it, this is the second time someone ripped it down but this time they cut the wire. The amcrest cameras were refurbs and going to take till the end of the...
  3. X

    Blue Iris unable to play alert sound through Foscam C1, but two way audio works?

    Hi all, so this is something that blue iris support couldn't help me figure out. I used to be able to play audio alerts through my foscam C1, and now that I added a second one out in a garage, I want to be able to play an alarm sound through it once again. The only problem is that when I tried...
  4. X

    Suggestion: Add on-network detection to geofence

    Hey all, so the geofence feature of blue iris is awesome, I was often forgetting to turn the sytem on when in a rush, and this is a great solution, except for one part of it, I live in a basement suite. Now, in some areas, it's fine, but in a lot of areas, my phone must loose gps signal...
  5. X

    Blue Iris Randomly Crashing onServer 2012 R2

    Hey all, so i'm hoping to get some insight from someone who understands event viewer better than me. Blue iris is frequently crashing, and I don't know why. I had mp4 alerts set for one camera, I've since disabled it but I had random crashes before I thought it was from using vnc or the mobile...
  6. X

    Use Foscam C1 PIR sensor with blue iris?

    Hey all, some googling didn't bring up much, but I was hoping maybe someone here has managed to, or knows of a way, to use the PIR sensor on the Foscam C1 to trigger motion detection. I do see an option to use "cameras digital input or motion", and it does seem to put blue iris into the alert...