1 to 4 PoE Extender


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
Denver, CO
Got a single ethernet cable and want to install multiple PoE Cameras? This lil device will do the trick:


Price Paid: $30 w/Prime Shipping

Think of this as a Wall-Mountable PoE powered 5 Port PoE switch :)

This takes a PoE+ (802.3AT 25.5W) and splits it into four PoE (802.3AF 14.5W) ports giving you ~6W evenly per port which is plenty enough to run most fixed IP Cameras.

If your looking for a PoE+ injector this should do the trick: Amazon.com: BV-Tech POE-I100G Gigabit Single Port 30W PoE Injector (Black): Computers & Accessories

Most NVR's w/built in PoE already output PoE+ for use w/PTZ, however few of the cheap affordable PoE switches do.

I installed this in my Garage to split the existing cable monitoring the inside of my cat-door so I could hookup the varifocal turret.. I also intend on moving an older camera into the garage for watching the bay and another starlight watching other side of driveway.. So eventually I intend to use all 4 ports, and I also wanted several PoE ports near the Varifocal Turret for future reviews, as thats the camera to beat.. I already have 4 ethernet cables in the garage and really didnt want to run 4 more.

I have 4 cameras hooked up for testing right now, in daytime its pulling 12W-14W total from my midspan.. half of the cameras im testing dont have IR and at night I'm seeing 14-17W combined.. might be as high as 21W if they all had IR.. as always YMMV.

Screenshot 2016-12-31 12.18.40.png

Night Time (w/2 IR Cameras and 2 non-IR Cameras):
Screenshot 2016-12-31 17.31.52.png

Typically I'd suggest running more ethernet cable, its more cost effective and dont have this single point of failure.. but if your in a pinch, this should do the job just fine.. just dont expect to run any PTZ's off it.
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Seriously overdriving this thing with the Ultra Starlight (heated) and an IR Cannon on a separate 12v splitter.. here's the poo man's PoE+ 12v splitter ;)

Screenshot 2017-01-10 20.19.07.png

specs said it only had 24w of output power; but I think its more along the lines of it'll handle whatever you can give it and 25w is only whats guaranteed via spec.. giving me ~9W per port if spread evenly.

no packetloss or any issues so far.
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Reactions: bug99 and looney2ns
you can find em on AliExpress for cheap too; just slow shipping... I got another one on the way.
you can find em on AliExpress for cheap too; just slow shipping... I got another one on the way.
This is exactly what I need for a current project. Do you have a link to where you got yours on Ali? Amazon is sold out.
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Thanks @nayr

@bug99 thats how its currently setup as a temp. Its ugly and too many points of failure for my liking so this thing will fit the bill perfectly. Going in a garage so moisture wont be an issue. Good lookin out fellas

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I ordered another one of these DHL Shipped in less than a week for $48USD from: New Mini 10/100M 4 Ports POE Extender 25.5W Extend 120 Meters IEEE802.3af POE Network Devices Plug and Play-in CCTV Accessories from Security & Protection on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group

the original one is running in a NMEA box on the side of my house acting as a fancy power splitter for my Ultra and External IR, seems to be doing fine.. might be adding a LPR camera to the box so having another port there and ready will be nice.
Which poe injector would be recommend to use with this? Can the TP-Link 8-Port Gigabit Ethernet PoE Desktop Switch with 4-PoE Ports be used, or would it have to be a single poe injector. Thanks
You'd want an 802.3AT capable injector/switch/midspan.. aka PoE+
I rarely make recommendations for equipment I dont have any experience with.. leme know when your looking for 24-48 port options.

lots of discussions on here about affordable PoE switches; search.
i already have a poe switch but not a poe+, so maybe it might be best if i buy a single one.
I linked a single injector in the first post thats suitable
(You can use straight up 802.3af power as input for this too. 802.3at is recommended and even says so printed on the box itself, but this unit works just as well without. At least, that's been my experience with this exact one and similar units.)
AT and AF are the same thing just minimum guaranteed wattages; your free to use AT but you'll have a smaller power ceiling to stay within... like 12W vs 30W
I know, I'm just saying for those who think it's necessary to keep an AT certified power injector in-line when they are only pushing 6-8 watts.
Time to refresh myself with Networking 101, nayr, with this POE extender, does each camera still get assigned its own IP address? Or all four cameras fall under address?