Here are some pics showing the PTZ location and day/night picture quality. I decided to replace my driveway Hik 2032/6mm with it, but was a bit worried it was going to look too big for my taste. Luckily I was able to fit the whole mount inside the eave as I wanted. The only problem is that since the camera is back in the eave and close to the soffit, when I zoom out down the road I get a little glare and fade at the top of the image, but not too bad. Just a little trade off for being able to mount it where I wanted. Overall I'm pretty happy with the camera and the way the installation location turned out. Also, I get a better picture quality at night than my previous camera, since it uses the IR illuminator for my driveway really good. As far as camera settings, I still haven't played too much with them, since defaults values are pretty good. Eventually I'll tweak them some more and see if I can get any improvements. I'm attaching some pics of my previous camera and IR for comparison.