No you weren't. Each of your posts is a constant bash of blue iris. Get over it. Why dont you have your hikvision NVR in service yet?Fenderman,
I wasn't running my mouth back then, just suggested that Intel was a safer/quicker path to hardware acceleration than NVidia. Its obvious how you responded.
No you weren't. Each of your posts is a constant bash of blue iris. Get over it. Why dont you have your hikvision NVR in service yet?
You predicted doom and gloom with the hardware acceleration update. I have two systems running it non stop since yesterday.
You had no predictions. You simply ragged on the developer. I supported nothing but trusting the developer to make the right choice and the fact that he knows what he is doing better than someone like you with little experience.My predictions were based on a person using a nonNVIDIA system and BI hardware acceleration using NVIDIA code which you supported. Read your posts.
You are not getting it. I never said that nvidia was the way to go. I said the developer knows what hes doing. He does. He does not need advice or critique from a novice. There are many considerations that are WAY over your head.Again , read your posts. I suggested intel hardware acceleration was a better path than NVidia hardware acceleration, and you gave me crap like now. Actually now is a bit worse.
You are not getting it. I never said that nvidia was the way to go. I said the developer knows what hes doing. He does. He does not need advice or critique from a novice. There are many considerations that are WAY over your head.
Nothing is rewritten. I suggest you read it yourself. Again, the developer doesnt need any armchair quarterbacking from a novice.Just read your posts, that's all. Don't turn this from a technical discussion to political (like to rewrite history when they are wrong).
No, you need to re read those posts. I never said that. Dont put words in my mouth simply because you lack basic reading comprehension skills. For the last time, the developer does not need advice from a novice.Read your posts. I was just suggesting Intel was a better path to launching hardware acceleration and you didn't agree.
No, you need to re read those posts. I never said that. Dont put words in my mouth simply because you lack basic reading comprehension skills. For the last time, the developer does not need advice from a novice.
I am very calm. If you misrepresent what I said I will call you out on it. Simple as that. Now go setup that hikvision NVR.Please calm down, everyone can read the posts for themselves.
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Again, the developer does not need novice advice. He will do what HE thinks is best.Fenerman, you remind of the kid in the hood back in the 70s who had cool gadgets and stuff, but always would revert to "my daddy said this or that" when he couldn't quite look into the future.
Reread it. I said he knows what he is doing and doesnt need your novice advice. You cannot comprehend the considerations needed to get hardware acceleration working and the reason why one is chosen over the other. I have always preferred intel for the reasons i mentioned above. There are reasons why he intended to go with nvidia only at first. He obviously worked out the issues with intel. Again as usual, you make claims and allegations with no direct facts to back it up. Just order the hikvision NVR and call it a day already.Fenderman,
"I have no idea what you are trying to say" holy shit that what the kid in the hood used to say.
When I mentioned Intel over NVidia you couldn't comprehend what I was saying so you reverted to : "my developer said this or that" you crack me up.
I downloaded the 4.2.8 update but haven't installed it. Will probably wait for a release that includes Nvidia support. My CPU usage runs between 55% & 60% when BI is opened full screen. Reduced to the taskbar, it runs between 23% & 28%, so not in a real hurry to update just yet.