I discovered something in my setup regarding alerts that might be applicable to some folks and might resolve problems...it's worth a check anyway.
With deepstack if you want a camera to trigger you put the required object in the To Confirm box in cam properties>trigger>AI. If you want to be alerted of that trigger, in cam properties>alerts>on alert>required AI objects you can either leave the box blank, or enter required objects. And as you can see, you can enter objects to skip the alerting.
What I found when going through each of my cameras is that some cameras had objects entered into the 'required objects' box that I don't remember entering. It's possible that I did and simply forgot, or it's possible data was somehow transferred from the trigger>AI tab during one of the updates...either way, what I found was that some cameras had the data and some did not--to make matters worse, the data on those few cameras did not match the data in the cam properties>trigger>AI>To Confirm box. The affected cameras were the ones giving me problems with trigger/alert confirmation.
Something else I discovered which bay be my own fault--let me know what you think: On all my cameras I use zone G on the whole FOV. I do this 1) to connect separated zones for multi-zone motion object detection rules and 2) during playback of video I'm able to see the entire FOV, not just the unmasked areas--I do this for all cameras regardless of whether or not I use multi-zone motion detection.
Well my driveway and front yard are covered by zone A with no other zones. The street out in front of my house is not in any zone except G, which is never part of my object detection rules. Yesterday and this morning I noticed that when a car drove by the house it caused an alert (with the car% and the orange car icon in the thumbnail), which is not supposed to happen because the car is in zone G, not A. When reviewing both videos of the car passing by, birds were also flying past the camera at the same time close enough to be picked up by the motion sensor. I always have a lot of birds flying around, so I have deepstack cancel alert confirmation by entering birds in the To Cancel box in cam properties>AI>To Cancel. So why did I get the alert? Not sure. During alert confirmation is deepstack ignoring the zones set up for the camera? OR is it because in the cam properties>alerts>on alert>motion zones...I have all zones checked including G? Again, not sure, but I unchecked G for all my cameras in this setting to find out because I don't want any alerts based on motion in zone G. Having used zone G in my settings this way for years, it seems I would have noticed this before...I wonder if deepstack has highlighted my incorrect setting or if the use of deepstack during alert confirmation needs to be tweaked.
Please let me know what you think?