Following up my own post above. I've now recovered my A46 using the Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP guide and the latest firmware from here.
I tried replacing just the web-x.squash partition with both the old web site content as described in post #49 and just the web content from the latest firmware. Both resulting in a bricked camera that needed the full firmware re-installed over tftp again to recovery it.
I did not open up the camera and attached to the serial console but I'm guessing the latest firmware is now signed and therefore it is no longer possible to replace just the web-x.squash content without replacing the public/private key pair.
Hope that is of use to someone.
I tried replacing just the web-x.squash partition with both the old web site content as described in post #49 and just the web content from the latest firmware. Both resulting in a bricked camera that needed the full firmware re-installed over tftp again to recovery it.
I did not open up the camera and attached to the serial console but I'm guessing the latest firmware is now signed and therefore it is no longer possible to replace just the web-x.squash content without replacing the public/private key pair.
Hope that is of use to someone.