A46 baby monitor. Web configuration stripped

Following up my own post above. I've now recovered my A46 using the Dahua IPC EASY unbricking / recovery over TFTP guide and the latest firmware from here.

I tried replacing just the web-x.squash partition with both the old web site content as described in post #49 and just the web content from the latest firmware. Both resulting in a bricked camera that needed the full firmware re-installed over tftp again to recovery it.

I did not open up the camera and attached to the serial console but I'm guessing the latest firmware is now signed and therefore it is no longer possible to replace just the web-x.squash content without replacing the public/private key pair.

Hope that is of use to someone.

Does anyone have a working firmware for the A46 with the web interface? I am experiencing the same as the poster above.
Basically what I concluded is that adding the web interface files back in only worked with the first firmware they released without the web interface (2.460.0000.3.R.20170628). They did not have a sign.img with that version which would let you load the web interface files from the prior version. The much more current version (2.622.0000000.9.R.180914) just goes into the boot loop if you try and add it in. So I pretty much gave up. Only other option would be to somehow gain full Linux root shell access in which case then you could manually copy files directly into the Linux file system on the live device.
Can you do a downgrade to DH_IPC-Consumer-Chou-Rhea_Eng_P_V2.460.0000.0.R.20161228.bin? Now I have DH_IPC-Consumer-Chou-Rhea_Eng_P_V2.460.0000.0.R.20161228.
Both are the exact same thing??? If the one you have is running a newer signed version of firmware, I'm not sure that it will be possible to downgrade it back to the older unsigned firmware.
No. Not possible. The newer firmware is signed and will not allow any unsigned files. The only way would be to get the 256 bit encryption key (which will never happen) from Dahua to sign the new files.
As far as I've been able to tell only the very first ones had the web interface. All later firmware versions do not have a web interface and I dont think it can be downgraded unless you physically disassemble the camera and tie into the circuit board TTL serial interface. Might not even work then.... That is firmware dated 12/28/2016 - DH_IPC-Consumer-Chou-Rhea_Eng_P_V2.460.0000.0.R.20161228