I figured you kept the twist but had to ask.
As mentioned previously, there are different types of RJ45 connectors - not all of which were intended to work with solid wire. Some pictures showing the difference here:
The Differences between Solid and Stranded Cable. The ones you currently have may also be for both types of cabling, though it might take some squinting to determine if it’s not clearly marked on the package. The feed-through style connectors from the place you linked specifically state being suitable for both solid or stranded, but I’d see if anyone offers further suggestions here before spending money on a new
crimper and ends.
Unrelated to the connectors, I would be also sure to double check that the wire you have is “pure copper” and not ”copper clad aluminum” or ”CCA”. See the thread
here on it. Presumably people here steered you in the right direction (I didn’t find any links to specific brand of cable you purchased in a quick search of past posts), but there’s a lot of shady junk out there, and the people marketing and selling it go out of their way to make it hard to tell the difference.
Normally, I’d just say install your cameras and see where you wind up; I’d imagine few DIY, homeowner types are actually testing their cable before hooking stuff up. In your case though, you’ve already done some testing and it seems that perhaps something is actually wrong.
Maybe someone here lives near you and could spare a few connectors or loan you a different crimper to try? Or could loan you a punch down tool and a couple of spare keystone jacks just for testing? Ideally, you’d just know a cable installer with a qualification/certification tester that could pinpoint the problem in seconds...but I assume you’d have mentioned it if that were the case.
Unfortunately, I’m out of ideas that won’t cost anything at the moment. Hopefully someone else here can think of something and make a suggestion.