Right... it would be a hit or a miss with BI detecting motion, but the Amcrest app had the motion alerts there...for some reason BI would not detect at times.Let's go back to your original complaint. You were saying that Motion Detection performance in BI with the AD410 was spotty. How is it right now?
I want this camera to detect everything, so I am probably doing to stay with current settings..
Thanks for your help.. I will check tomorrow to see if motion detection/alerts are better than before.
Right... it would be a hit or a miss with BI detecting motion, but the Amcrest app had the motion alerts there...for some reason BI would not detect at times.
So I am hoping now would be better...but I have to wait until tomorrow since the cars are too far in the dark for the camera to pick up.
Oh I got it now.. so enable motion in BI and set remove "person" from the list because Human Detection will be done at the Amcrest app level.
So this means I can disable Motion Detection in the Amcrest app and only enable Human Detection?
The motion is acting the same way as before. I completely missed my son going out this morning.. that motion didn't even register. So I checked the cancelled events and found a couple of cancelled events there
1. while he was walking away in the middle of the yard like 40-50 feet away.. it detected him as a person at 71% - cancelled
2. it detected the bus at 64% - cancelled.
The issue is not that much with the triggering...It's completely missing the motion altogether. Going out the door, the doorbell should detect as a person immediately as it does from time to time.
But other times like this morning, it completely missed it and only captured the motion when the "person" was 40-50 feet away.
The Zone is set to the entire screen. When it works, it works great...but what's happening is it just stops working whenever it wants...so it's not reliable.
What proper human detection setting? - the only option in the camera for human detection is sensitivity, zone and schedule. I have the sensitivity to HIGH and the camera itself is capturing the motion fine, every time... it's just that BI is not getting the info from the camera half the time.
Because the motion alerts are all in the Amcrest app, but not in BI... all motion alerts in the Amcrest app coincide with the other cameras that are in the same location.See emboldened text .... How do you know that?