Amcrest AD410

OK.. so I turned off DS for that camera.. restarted the camera...went motion alert from BI, but the motion is in the Amcrest app.

Check your logs, see if the trigger came into BI.
One more thing to check is your WiFi connection to the camera. Post a screenshot from BI showing the BI Status - Cameras tab.
The router is about 20-25 feet away..on a straight shot to the doorbell except 1 the signal is great there.
Well OK then. I've exhausted my suggestions. At this point it seems you are having a BI issue with getting ONVIF triggers from the camera. Your use of DS is adding another layer of complexity to the problem. You should probably open a trouble ticket with BI and see if they can help you sort it out.

Sorry I could not be more help to you.
I appreciate it.. thanks for your patience. I didn't think I was going to have any issue like these since my other cheapo Wyze cameras work very well with DS.
I guess you're right... BI is having issues with this particular camera/doorbell.
I appreciate it.. thanks for your patience. I didn't think I was going to have any issue like these since my other cheapo Wyze cameras work very well with DS.
I guess you're right... BI is having issues with this particular camera/doorbell.

To clarify ... Your doorbell and configuration are having a problem with BI. The doorbell itself works just fine in my case and others. I don't want people to think there is a global issue between the AD410 and BI.
Right.. the doorbell works great on its own with the Amcrest app...there's just an issue with the doorbell communicating properly with BI... but, even without setting up ONVIF,...meaning just adding the doorbell and using BI motion detection and misses a lot of the motion and or cancels lots of the motions as well...but then again, other times works great as it should...not sure why this is happening with my particular camera and BI.
Right.. the doorbell works great on its own with the Amcrest app...there's just an issue with the doorbell communicating properly with BI... but, even without setting up ONVIF,...meaning just adding the doorbell and using BI motion detection and misses a lot of the motion and or cancels lots of the motions as well...but then again, other times works great as it should...not sure why this is happening with my particular camera and BI.

Good luck to you. Be sure to report back once you are able to sort out the issues and let us know how it was resolved.
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OK, let's take it back a step and see if something else is going on.

You say the Doorbell works 100% in the Amcrest app...except for when you said insects and stuff trigger obviously that isn't perfect either...

You say that the ONVIF triggers from the Doorbell into BI works some of the time...if that is the case, then it is an issue within your setup.
  • You said you do not run the substreams, which means your BI system isn't optimized. Even though your cameras may be in the teens for CPU %, I suspect that when there is motion and several of the cams are triggering, you could be maxing out the system or close enough that it stutters just enough.
  • Are your cameras isolated from the internet via dual NIC or VLANS or are they connected/routed through the router? If so, you are probably overloading the consumer grade router.
  • What processor do you have (i number and generation number)?
Since you said the ONVIF trigger is only making it to BI some of the time, you need to troubleshoot that path first because it isn't an issue with BI or the Doorbell as others are using it successfully.
OK, let's take it back a step and see if something else is going on.

You say the Doorbell works 100% in the Amcrest app...except for when you said insects and stuff trigger obviously that isn't perfect either...

You say that the ONVIF triggers from the Doorbell into BI works some of the time...if that is the case, then it is an issue within your setup.
  • You said you do not run the substreams, which means your BI system isn't optimized. Even though your cameras may be in the teens for CPU %, I suspect that when there is motion and several of the cams are triggering, you could be maxing out the system or close enough that it stutters just enough.
  • Are your cameras isolated from the internet via dual NIC or VLANS or are they connected/routed through the router? If so, you are probably overloading the consumer grade router.
  • What processor do you have (i number and generation number)?
Since you said the ONVIF trigger is only making it to BI some of the time, you need to troubleshoot that path first because it isn't an issue with BI or the Doorbell as others are using it successfully.

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3.40GHz
RAM: 16gb
Router: Asus RT-AC86U

Right.. when I said it's working 100% I meant it's not missing a single's capturing ALL motion..wanted and the motion sensor is working on the Amcrest app 100%
I am not having any issues with any of my other cameras with the same setup as they pick up all motion in BI, all the time just like the Amcrest app.
I do not currently have dual nics.. maybe in the future.

Putting aside ONVIF - If using ONLY BI motion detection and DS. It would completely miss the motion OR it would detect motion even at high percentage like 90s and it would cancel that motion..why?.. who knows.
Example: This is from the Cancelled events.. as you can see.. BI is detecting the motion and recognizing is a person at 93% and yet it cancelled the event.

I have sent this to Blue Iris support along with all my settings...still waiting to hear back.

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Since you do not have dual NIC going, that means ALL traffic is going through your router. And then the issue is compounded by not using the substreams...

Wifi routers are problematic for surveillance cameras because they are always streaming and passing data. And the data demands go up with motion and then you lose signal. A lost packet and it has to resend. It can bring the whole network down if trying to send cameras through a wifi router. At the very least it can slow down your system.

Unlike Netflix and other streaming services that buffer a movie, these cameras do not buffer up part of the video, so drop outs are frequent. You would be amazed how much streaming services buffer - don't believe me, start watching something and unplug your router and watch how much longer you can watch NetFlix before it freezes - mine goes 45 seconds. Now do the same with a wifi camera and it is fairly instantaneous (within the latency of the stream itself)...

The same issue applies even with the hard-wired cameras trying to send all this non-buffer video stream through a router. Most consumer grade wifi routers are not designed to pass the constant video stream data of cameras, and since they do not buffer, you get these issues. The consumer routers are just not designed for this kind of traffic even a GB speed router.

Regarding your cancelled event above, keep in mind that the "Analyze with Deepstack" under "Testing & Tuning" will ALWAYS perform better than live as it is after the fact and should not be used as an analysis tool to try to figure out why it didn't see a car or person. It should only be used to see what DeepStack can find in that clip, like "hmm I wonder if DeepStack can find a toothbrush" and then walk around with a toothbrush and have it identify it. I can run this on a camera not using Deepstack and it will show EVERYTHING that Deepstack has in its objects to find that it sees in the clip.

Your image above tells you absolutely nothing other than that DeepStack can identify it is a person IF you have your settings correct...

You need to use the .DAT file analysis that shows how DeepStack responded and behaved live. You have to select it under AI for the camera to check the Deepstack analysis option. Only then can you start to figure out why it missed these events. It is an error in your settings or setup.

So if you are not using the "Save Deepstack Analysis details", check that box so that you can then use the .DAT file to actually see why BI is missing it. Otherwise all you are doing is chasing and looking at the wrong data to try to figure that part out.

But as @icpilot said, the first step is and should be to figure out why YOUR system isn't sending all of the ONVIF triggers. If it is missing doing that, then it will cause other problems down the line in the processing for that camera.

Im going to wait for Blue Iris support to get back to me to see what they say. It's just weird how this is the only camera that's giving this kind of issue.
If it was anything with my setup or MY system, then I would see similar issues with the other cameras...but I don't.
Not necessarily. One more camera added to an already overloaded router can cause this.

Amcrest is probably sending higher bitrate video than your wyze cams are.

Even while you wait for support, you could still turn on the DAT file analysis and troubleshoot correctly as it relates to DS. They will have you do the same thing.
So if this camera was not ONVIF capable.. would I still have the same issue?
I ask because none of my other cameras have ONVIF. That's why when I added the doorbell to BI, I added just like any other camera without ONVIF and just used BI/DS for detection that's when I started noticing the issues of hit or miss.

Then, icpilot guided me on how to use ONVIF, so I set up that way and unchecked BI Motion Detection.. at first it seemed to work and I was getting motion and notifications fine...but then I noticed it started doing the same thing.. completely missing motion and/or cancelling the motion. If it were the case that it just not detect any motion.. it would be easier to work on that.. but the fact that it works one time and not another makes it complicated.
Another thing I tested since you mentioned my router could be overloaded... I took a screenshot of the router when the cameras outside were being triggered..meaning, the screen border turned red... this is how the router looks.


To me, that doesn't look like the router is being overloaded at all.. not even close.
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So if this camera was not ONVIF capable.. would I still have the same issue?
I ask because none of my other cameras have ONVIF. That's why when I added the doorbell to BI, I added just like any other camera without ONVIF and just used BI/DS for detection that's when I started noticing the issues of hit or miss.

Then, icpilot guided me on how to use ONVIF, so I set up that way and unchecked BI Motion Detection.. at first it seemed to work and I was getting motion and notifications fine...but then I noticed it started doing the same thing.. completely missing motion and/or cancelling the motion. If it were the case that it just not detect any motion.. it would be easier to work on that.. but the fact that it works one time and not another makes it complicated.

You can test it.....

In the Trigger tab for the camera:
Step 1. Turn OFF Deepstack for that camera. Go to Artificial Intelligence and click on None.
2. Turn OFF ONVIF triggers. Uncheck "Camera's digital input ...."
3. Turn on BI Motion Sensor
4. In Motion Sensor Configure, check BOTH Object Detection and Use Zones
5. Go to Edit Object Detection and check Object Crosses Zone, and simply put an A in the Zone box.
6. Go to Edit Use zones and make sure that Zone A shows the entire FOV as active

Click OK to reset the configuration.

Go back into BI camera settings and pull up the Trigger tab, click on Motion Sensor Configure button and confirm the "Active Zone map" in the bottom of the screen shows "/Motion". If it's working you should see evidence of it in the small screen with red outlined rectangles indicating whenever motion is detected. You can fine tune the motion size, contrast and make times in this screen.

From what you have said upthread, you should be seeing lots of motion alerts with these settings. You can even go so far as to setup a Hot Zone (instead of Zone A) which overrides everything and will alert on the smallest motion inside that zone.

Try it. Report back.