Like it or not, the combustion engine is dead. Governments around the world are not going to continue to allow their sale. The only possible combustion engine is hydrogen but as mentioned before, hydrogen isn't green in the way the majority of it is produced. Google Blue Hydrogen. The US has got away with having huge polluting engines for years. However in the current poltical climate, all governments are going to be forced to make changes and the recent fires etc on Maui and extreme heat waves in Europe are only going to pile more international pressure on to take action.
Its far from dead. Toyota is heavy into hybrid. All it will take is a shift from an insane president to shift the folks at the EPA around. Battery power is dirty, mined inhumanely and insanely expensive. Do you know how long you need to drive a tesla to make a net difference when you factor in the real environmental cost of mining?
Only a complete moron could believe that a Maui fire and a some heat waves are caused by human action. Did this not occur 2000 years ago? The models they use are a farce. If it was really a problem why is china allowed to increase its carbon emissions by 50 percent while we must curb ours.
Its disgusting that the elites tell the plebs that they must conform or else....
Normal folks need a 15k nissan versa available for sale, not a 27k bolt.
The only benefit of EV is insane amounts of torque.
And by the way, the US has not "gotten away with having huge polluting engines" over the last 30 years we have gotten insanely efficient. Stop using your AC, your cams, your TV, your car if your are worried. Ill continue driving and using my remote start and enjoying life.
Even if you are dumb enough to believe that you can change the climate - every single model is clear that no real change can occur unless the larges polluters agree to cut emissions, they have NOT. So basically you a a pussy in the whitehouse screwing over hard working americans in the name of the climate scam while others including china, india, russia, iran, saudis, laugh at us like the dumbasses we are.
Always follow the money. Stossel has a good piece.
Climate scientist Judith Curry says climate change is a “manufactured consensus.”