Blue Iris and Reolink cameras.

It was worth a try, anyway. Reolink controls their frame and iframe rates in what I consider to be a very arbitrary manner. When the iframe drops below a number that matches the frame rate, which also varies dramatically, there's just not enough information for quality, reliable, video. A good reson to avoid Reolink.
I'm using my reolink cameras with hardware acceleration in Blue Iris. You need to use Direct VA2 for it to work.

My iframe rates are at a very stable 0.50. I believe this is done via having good wireless signal, setting your shutter speed correctly (mostly for night time so it doesn't go into auto low shutter, bright mode) and setting a frame rate that can handle your wireless setup.
I'm using my reolink cameras with hardware acceleration in Blue Iris. You need to use Direct VA2 for it to work.

My iframe rates are at a very stable 0.50. I believe this is done via having good wireless signal, setting your shutter speed correctly (mostly for night time so it doesn't go into auto low shutter, bright mode) and setting a frame rate that can handle your wireless setup.
I have hardware acceleration enabled. How do I use Direct VA2?
I'm using my reolink cameras with hardware acceleration in Blue Iris. You need to use Direct VA2 for it to work.

My iframe rates are at a very stable 0.50. I believe this is done via having good wireless signal, setting your shutter speed correctly (mostly for night time so it doesn't go into auto low shutter, bright mode) and setting a frame rate that can handle your wireless setup.
The type of hardware acceleration chosen has nothing to do with the cameras but rather with your PC hardware supports.
The type of hardware acceleration chosen has nothing to do with the cameras but rather with your PC hardware supports.

Oh ok, I only figured that because at least on my computer I can use Intel acceleration if I don't select reolink as the camera type, but it doesn't work when reolink is selected.

An update a while ago with DirectX VA2 seems to work on Reolink without issues, no idea why really.
I had this happen with the latest BI update, and my Reolink RLC-420 cams. My solution was to physically press the reset button on each of the cameras. That fixed it for me.
I had this happen with the latest BI update, and my Reolink RLC-420 cams. My solution was to physically press the reset button on each of the cameras. That fixed it for me.
I had this happen with the latest BI update, and my Reolink RLC-420 cams. My solution was to physically press the reset button on each of the cameras. That fixed it for me.
reset to factory settings? or just a reboot from the button?