Blue Iris cameras with NO Internet - How can I make it work?


Young grasshopper
Feb 26, 2018
US Armed Forces
Hi all,
I finally have a BI system up and running after being a faithful customer of LaView.
They system works fine with 10 of my existing LaView cameras (bullets and domes) with the following set up:

10 cameras ------> (connected via RJ45 to) UNMANAGED SWITCH <------- Internet feed (from router) and PC (with Blue Iris).

I used a BV-Tech POE-SW1602A switch

a) 10 cameras are connected to switch
b) Internet feed (RJ45 cable) from router connected to switch
c) PC (with Blue Iris) connected to switch

I'm still in the process of testing the system. I have learned that when I disconnected the Internet feed (from router to switch), all cameras no longer work. I would like to find a way so that the PC (with Blue Iris) can manage/run all cameras and record footages even in the case of Internet loss.

How can I fix this issue? What configuration should I do? I don't want someone comes in and simply turn the Internet off or cut the wire to shut down the whole home surveillance system. Many thanks in advance.
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Hi all,
I finally have a BI system up and running after being a faithful customer of LaView.
They system works fine with 10 of my existing LaView cameras (bullets and domes) with the following set up:

10 cameras ------> (connected via RJ45 to) UNMANAGED SWITCH <------- Internet feed (from router) and PC (with Blue Iris).

I used a BV-Tech POE-SW1602A switch

a) 10 cameras are connected to switch
b) Internet feed (RJ45 cable) from router connected to switch
c) PC (with Blue Iris) connected to switch

I'm still in the process of testing the system. I have learned that when I disconnected the Internet feed (from router to switch), all cameras no longer work. I would like to find a way so that the PC (with Blue Iris) can manage/run all cameras and record footages even in the case of Internet loss.

How can I fix this issue? What configuration should I do? I don't want someone comes in and simply turn the Internet off or cut the wire to shut down the whole home surveillance system. Many thanks in advance.
your diagram doesnt match the description...
connect the blue iris pc to the same switch as the cameras.
regardless cutting the internet connection will never disable the cameras, they dont need an internet connection.
As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.
your diagram doesnt match the description...
connect the blue iris pc to the same switch as the cameras.
regardless cutting the internet connection will never disable the cameras, they dont need an internet connection.

HI fenderman (the creator :love: )
I have the PC connected via RJ45 cable to the switch as the cameras, however, nothing works when Internet is cut off.
Are you using static IP address ?
When you disconnect from the internet, how do you do it ?
Please provide a detailed drawing of your complete network when it is disconnected from the internet.
nope that is not images of your setup..

Hi fenderman and SouthernYankee,

The following is my setup testing Blue Iris (port 1 - camera,port 16 - computer, port 17 - internet feed from router).
To disconnect the internet feed, I just simply unplug the RJ45 cable. Seeking for all of your advices. Thanks!

i) The first 02 connections - No display



ii) No display on monitor


iii) This setup works

Hi fenderman and SouthernYankee,

The following is my setup testing Blue Iris (port 1 - camera,port 16 - computer, port 17 - internet feed from router).
To disconnect the internet feed, I just simply unplug the RJ45 cable. Seeking for all of your advices. Thanks!

i) The first 02 connections - No display

View attachment 32574

View attachment 32575

ii) No display on monitor

View attachment 32576

iii) This setup works

View attachment 32577
first to clarify you are not simply disconnecting the internet, you are disconnecting the router.
regardless, that should still allow the cameras to send a feed to blue iris. if the cameras are set to dhcp, try setting them to static, but this should still not matter...
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If you give PC and all cams unique static IP's you can display cams on PC without router, just PC, cams and switch.
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Why is the computer plugged in to the Poe port 16?

Camera port 1
Computer port 17
Router port 18

Get it up and running.

Provide a screen shot of the camera IP static setting.
Provide screen shot of static IP canfguration in PC.

Shut everything down. Unplug port 18. Reboot. Wait 15 minutes.

Is it up?

Define what is not working in detail.
Ie. PC not powed on
PC can not log in ?
Bi attemps to start and fails.
Bi is up and running, but camera is not visible.

After unplugging internet, PC is up, try to ping camera IP of the camera.
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If you give PC and all cams unique static IP's you can display cams on PC without router, just PC, cams and switch.


Thanks for you advise. Exactly as you said, after setting static IP address(es) for cams and and PC I could see things on display.
I'm still learning Blue Iris.
a) I notice that the frames setting in BI app doesn't override the cam's setting regarding frames/second. BI goes back to cam's setting after restart.
b) Blue Iris does not automatically record after start. I have to click the traffic icon to begin recording.
c) Does Blue Iris has function that allows it opens itself (i.e after PC reboots?). I'm testing BI Tools with WatchDong setting enabled, but BI could not open itself after being closed.

Thanks Fenderman and SouthernYankee!

Thanks for you advise. Exactly as you said, after setting static IP address(es) for cams and and PC I could see things on display.
I'm still learning Blue Iris.
a) I notice that the frames setting in BI app doesn't override the cam's setting regarding frames/second. BI goes back to cam's setting after restart.
b) Blue Iris does not automatically record after start. I have to click the traffic icon to begin recording.
c) Does Blue Iris has function that allows it opens itself (i.e after PC reboots?). I'm testing BI Tools with WatchDong setting enabled, but BI could not open itself after being closed.

Thanks Fenderman and SouthernYankee!
you have to set fps in the CAMERA dont touch the BI setting
blue iris DOES automatically start the help file on the traffic signal
bunch of threads on auto start simple
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a) Blue Iris does not set parameter in the camera. You can only set camera parameter in the camera. So BI does not set FPS
b) set blue Iris up as a service, it will start recording on boot.
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