Blue Iris UI3


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Yes, unfortunately, Chrome has apparently been leaking memory when the H.264 decoder is in use. I think Opera might have the same issue, since it shares some of the internals with Chrome and I'm seeing similar memory usage patterns. Unconfirmed, though. I've tested in MS Edge and believe it to be fine -- that is what I recommend for now if you have it available. Firefox should also be fine, though it takes some manual steps to enable the necessary browser features (noted in the first post of this thread).


Feb 15, 2018
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Wakerley, Qld, AU
Hi. Is it possible to have UI3 start up in fulllscreen mode?
PS: Lovely app. Thank you. Sorry if this question is answered already. This thread is giant now and i couldn't see how to easily search it.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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Fullscreen mode, no, because browsers won't let web pages start in fullscreen mode (it would be a nuisance and a security risk). A full list of startup parameters is here: UI3 Help


Dec 24, 2016
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You actually can do this yourself, but it only works as a desktop shortcut icon. Create a browser shortcut icon -- I use Google Chrome -- right-click it, select Properties, and add the following on to the end of your Target path: --start-fullscreen (yourIP):(yourport)/ui3beta/ui3.htm

So the full Target path will look something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --start-fullscreen (yourIP):(yourport)/ui3beta/ui3.htm

Other browsers may have a different startup command in order to put them in fullscreen mode. F11 will take you out of it. Note that it doesn't work if you already have your browser open; it'll add BlueIris as a new tab.



Getting comfortable
Mar 26, 2014
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@bp2008 I just wanted to say you're the new hero in the house.

My work laptop is locked down so that I can't run activex, but UI3 works great, and has so much more functionality than the activex control.

The vpn at my wife's work blocks all but a few selected ports, so she can't even reach our BI server.
I fired up UI3 in the Silk browser on a Fire HD8 tablet that was laying around the house, and gave it to her. On the HD8, live view on a group of 4 "important" cameras seems to do fine. We do see occasional complaints that the CPU isn't fast enough to keep up with the live stream during playback of clips, but I haven't really started with any tweaking of the streaming profile yet.


Jan 28, 2017
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Problem: Chrome Memory Leak Version 64.0.3282.186 using H.264 encoding in UI3 for Blue Iris.

Try grabbing the beta/development channel build on Chrome. I was having same issues on all my tablets using Chrome Official 64.0.3282.186 (32/64bit on Win 10 Pro/Home). All exhibit memory leaks on h.264 encoding no matter what my encoding settings were on BI server. Edge showed no issues of a leak. Using JPEG encoding had no leak in Chrome.

The latest beta/development channel Chrome build fixed the memory leak for me. guess we'll have to wait a few weeks before it pushes to official release hopefully.

Chromium Development Channels

Hi bp2008,

Just a heads up to a weird problem using ui3.
I believe it is chrome related and not BI or ui3.

If I am viewing ui3 and click on a different chrome browser window (like gmail) I get a memory leak condition.
The memory for the ui3 instance of chrome continues to increase until it fails the streams (runs out of memory on computer)
View attachment 26652

View attachment 26649

Once memory begins leaking it continues until the memory is depleted and the streams fail.
The following recovers the memory:
Reload the page
Play a clip and come back to live view
Change the streaming quality
Clicking on a single camera to maximize and again to go back to main page also seems to sometimes reset the memory (every other time??)
(All things that reset the streams)

To complicate matters, I noticed it only after recently upgrading BI and ui3.
I am running:
ui3 = beta27
BI =
Chrome = Version 64.0.3282.167 (Official Build) (32-bit)

I tried downgrading back to ui3 beta24 and BI to
This combination was working flawlessly for weeks - but this combination still has the memory leak today.

It also appears to be in the h.264 connection - jpeg streaming doesn't exhibit the problem.
This condition doesn't happen on home machine (windows 10) Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64-bit)
I tried upgrading chrome at home to the same version at work (only 64bit) Version 64.0.3282.167 (Official Build) (64-bit) and still no memory leaks there.

I have no control over chrome upgrades (work machine) so I think something broken in either win7 or chrome (32 bit).

Until I can figure a work around (or Chrome is fixed), I have to go back to ie and activex at work :(



Young grasshopper
Feb 27, 2017
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Washington, DC, United States
I'm sure many of you are already aware that this runs on FireStick via Firefox or Silk. However it will only run in JPEG Streaming at a low frame rate. Still amazing to have this as opposed to mirroring, casting, or using TinyCameras on Firestick (which often overheats and crashes.

Is there any hope to have H.264 streaming inside the Firestick browsers? Is there another Firestick browser that would handle this better?

- Keep up the awesome work!

@bp2008 I just wanted to say you're the new hero in the house.

My work laptop is locked down so that I can't run activex, but UI3 works great, and has so much more functionality than the activex control.

The vpn at my wife's work blocks all but a few selected ports, so she can't even reach our BI server.
I fired up UI3 in the Silk browser on a Fire HD8 tablet that was laying around the house, and gave it to her. On the HD8, live view on a group of 4 "important" cameras seems to do fine. We do see occasional complaints that the CPU isn't fast enough to keep up with the live stream during playback of clips, but I haven't really started with any tweaking of the streaming profile yet.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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I doubt H.264 streaming will work in the Fire Stick's browser for several more hardware generations still. Eventually, maybe.


BIT Beta Team
May 3, 2014
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Thanks for the great UI!!
I am just getting started using it but i have a question. I found the Hot Keys to change cameras within whatever group one is currently viewing (, & .).
Is it possible to have Hot Keys to switch between Camera Groups? Or are they there and i just missed them?

Why: I am running it on a Pi as a feed to a TV and i want it to be as easy as possible for my roommate to use. She has several horses that are going to foal this spring and i have pairs of cameras in several different stalls. I have each pair of cameras that cover a stall in a Camera Group. And while the , & . are great to switch from both cameras to one or the other, i have a need to easily move to another group to look a different stall. I know it is not that hard to mouse over, but i am trying to make it easy since it is a tiny touchpad on the wireless keyboard and Hot Keys would make it simple.

Thanks, Jeff


Known around here
Nov 14, 2017
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Southern NJ
It's funny how things can interact on a PC. My BI server does more than just BI, monitors my AcuRite weather station and runs folding@home on some EVGA video cards. The AcuRite portion was using a USB connected weather console and, apparently, had a problem at times when folding@home would report completed work units. I'd get readings of 526.8mph wind gusts, 126F temperatures and humidity in the 150% range. AcuRite just released a new reporting device and I installed it yesterday, no USB connection to the PC. I'm hoping, expecting, those crazy readings to end, but another thing that happened is that I no longer get non-stop connects from UI3 from my laptop. Before I put in the new AcuRIte hardware every time I opened the browser on the craptop it would "pop" a connection attempt to BI until I actually opened a tab for UI3 and got it connected. This morning, no "pops" and no long list of connection attempts to the craptop. Another side effect is that CPU usage on the BI server has dropped from ~40% to ~30% just from unloading that AcuRite USB monitor program.

Life is good, so far, today.
Feb 28, 2018
Reaction score
HI, Just discovering the Ui3, it's great. I'm having an issue with User Management, whereby if I limit the camera groups available to a user login via the 'limit to camera group' option, then that user can't view groups of cameras in on screen or have cycled cameras in the UI, even if all cameras that would be in the group are available. If I remove the restrictions on the accounts, the groups and cycle groups appear again. Even if I allow the user to see all groups, they still can't see cycled camera or groups of cameras.

Certain cameras can only be viewed by signed off upper managers, whereas the rest of the cameras can be viewed but the Duty Managers, and having the 'limit to camera group' option almost does this perfectly, but the Duty Managers still need groups of cameras on display in the office.

Am I missing something, or is this not a possibility.

I'm running the B28, on Chrome, Mac and Windows.
Also is there now a non-beta version?
Feb 28, 2018
Reaction score
HI, Just discovering the Ui3, it's great. I'm having an issue with User Management, whereby if I limit the camera groups available to a user login via the 'limit to camera group' option, then that user can't view groups of cameras in on screen or have cycled cameras in the UI, even if all cameras that would be in the group are available. If I remove the restrictions on the accounts, the groups and cycle groups appear again. Even if I allow the user to see all groups, they still can't see cycled camera or groups of cameras.

Certain cameras can only be viewed by signed off upper managers, whereas the rest of the cameras can be viewed but the Duty Managers, and having the 'limit to camera group' option almost does this perfectly, but the Duty Managers still need groups of cameras on display in the office.

Am I missing something, or is this not a possibility.

I'm running the B28, on Chrome, Mac and Windows.
Also is there now a non-beta version?
HI, Just discovering the Ui3, it's great. I'm having an issue with User Management, whereby if I limit the camera groups available to a user login via the 'limit to camera group' option, then that user can't view groups of cameras in on screen or have cycled cameras in the UI, even if all cameras that would be in the group are available. If I remove the restrictions on the accounts, the groups and cycle groups appear again. Even if I allow the user to see all groups, they still can't see cycled camera or groups of cameras.

Certain cameras can only be viewed by signed off upper managers, whereas the rest of the cameras can be viewed but the Duty Managers, and having the 'limit to camera group' option almost does this perfectly, but the Duty Managers still need groups of cameras on display in the office.

Am I missing something, or is this not a possibility.

I'm running the B28, on Chrome, Mac and Windows.
Also is there now a non-beta version?



Oct 16, 2017
Reaction score
It's funny how things can interact on a PC. My BI server does more than just BI, monitors my AcuRite weather station and runs folding@home on some EVGA video cards. The AcuRite portion was using a USB connected weather console and, apparently, had a problem at times when folding@home would report completed work units. I'd get readings of 526.8mph wind gusts, 126F temperatures and humidity in the 150% range. AcuRite just released a new reporting device and I installed it yesterday, no USB connection to the PC. I'm hoping, expecting, those crazy readings to end, but another thing that happened is that I no longer get non-stop connects from UI3 from my laptop. Before I put in the new AcuRIte hardware every time I opened the browser on the craptop it would "pop" a connection attempt to BI until I actually opened a tab for UI3 and got it connected. This morning, no "pops" and no long list of connection attempts to the craptop. Another side effect is that CPU usage on the BI server has dropped from ~40% to ~30% just from unloading that AcuRite USB monitor program.

Life is good, so far, today.
This sounds like a good use case for virtualization and/or containers. That way you could isolate these workloads.


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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I'm having an issue with User Management, whereby if I limit the camera groups available to a user login via the 'limit to camera group' option, then that user can't view groups of cameras in on screen or have cycled cameras in the UI, even if all cameras that would be in the group are available. If I remove the restrictions on the accounts, the groups and cycle groups appear again. Even if I allow the user to see all groups, they still can't see cycled camera or groups of cameras.
It sounds like you've configured something wrong. Make sure the groups you've allowed for the restricted accounts have their streams enabled:

If you open jpegpull.htm under a limited user account, does it have the same issue? Are you running the latest version of Blue Iris?

Also is there now a non-beta version?
Not yet.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
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Yeah, it affects 4K cameras too...

Unfortunately, even when this issue gets resolved, UI3 can't handle 4K streaming in any H.264 mode. UI3's video decoder is the best I could find for JavaScript, but it is still JavaScript which means it runs slower than other compiled code, it is single-threaded, and doesn't have access to hardware acceleration. I tried a 3840x2160 group stream (you can set the resolution for group streams) but the video decoder just crashes instantly with an error about memory allocation. 3840x1800 also fails. I am able to stream 3840x1600, which is about 3/4 of a 4K stream, at ~18 FPS, and this is nearly the limit of an i7-7700K client. There really isn't a faster CPU out there for this purpose.

In fact this attempt showed me that Google Chrome appears to have a memory leak causing the browser tab to crash after a while. Apparently it crashes sooner if the video stream is bigger, because it only takes about a minute at 3840x1600@18 FPS. This probably explains the crashes experienced by @bonsey and @Philip Gonzales and others on their Android Chrome. For what its worth, MS Edge is still handling this stream perfectly.

Probably a mouse driver quirk. Do you have some special mouse software on there?
Not sure I understand whats going on.

You stated that you cannot have a 4K Group stream as it crashes instantly. I can. My doesn't even slow down. I have forced a 4K res for the group and for the Web Server (I know you said that doesn't work, but its set there ready for when it does).

This is also on 12FPS stream.

I just think there has to be a way to provide better resolution, maybe not full 4K, but when you have invested in 4K cameras and stuck on low res (in comparison)... before all this information, my hope was only that I could see sharper pictures when zoomed into native pixels. So I was hoping to zoom the 4K stream in at 2x, and see the stream pixel for pixel. Not a blurry image as I get now. At this stage my only workaround is to right click and view image, I then get a single picture in full res.

I just don't understand why we can get Youtube, Netflix etc in 4K, I can live view my cameras directly (hikvision) in IE and get 4K, but not much better than HD in Blue Iris and UI3.

PS: I am not taking a dig or anything and sorry if it seems like it, I am the sort of person that needs to understand the whole why and such. This issue just doesn't make any sense to me. I can't understand why we can't get a native 4K view.


Getting the hang of it
May 19, 2015
Reaction score
Just worked out why mine didn't crash.

I can set full 4K for the group and it works fine when I have 1 4K camera setup. The moment I add the second 4K camera, then I get the problems.