Seeing reports from Britain that they are flooding the streets to protest the socialist/communist government and demanding political prisoners be set free. Lets hope the minority non-woke rise up and say NO MORE.
The question is are there enough Brits left with a pair to save the sinking ship?
Seeing reports from Britain that they are flooding the streets to protest the socialist/communist government and demanding political prisoners be set free. Lets hope the minority non-woke rise up and say NO MORE.
The question is are there enough Brits left with a pair to save the sinking ship?
They've quite literally gone full on Communist.
I know it sounds like hysterics when I say its time to sever ties, but I dont see how we can continue to trust them with military and other secrets. They're acting and functioning like a country that is on its last legs and is swirling the toilet bowl. If the people (native Brits) don't very soon rise up and reverse course, this will be a failed state MUCH sooner than anyone imagined.