As a resident, in the hopefully not too much declining UK. Fingers crossed! This isn't correct?
If this is true, I’m sorry but the British people have just flat given up and are content being servants.
We don’t need to hold the UK on any pedestal, we need to distance ourselves from them.
They’re desperately wanting war. They think by dragging NATO into it we’ll be obligated to join and more importantly, give them free money.
Fuck the UK
The image of Starmer being taken for walkies by his master? I heard he's also having his auto insurance cancelled because of too many rear-enders....."This is how you take over a nation by soft jihad.
The Mayor of London is a Muslim.
The mayor of Birmingham is a Muslim.
The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim.
Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.
The mayor of Sheffield is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oxford is a Muslim.
The mayor of Luton is a Muslim.
The mayor of Oldham is Muslim.
The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim.
All this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in England:
Today, there are over 1800 mosques in England.
There are over 80 sharia courts.
There are more than 50 Sharia Councils.
78 percent of Muslim women do not work, receive state support + free accommodation.
A large percentage of Muslims do not work and receive state support + free housing.
State-supported Muslim families with an average of 3 to 8 children receive free accommodation.
Now, every school in the UK is required to teach lessons about Islam."
- Johann P @JohannPbooks
What a load of crap.
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