I've just been listening to a UK phone-in radio show (via You Tube) where someone who obviously supports the protests/riots was trying to defend them. The presenter completely destroyed him and made him look the idiot that he is. Interestingly, in the comments section, someone wrote "'I'm American and black and love this show. The callers all seem to be a bit unprepared and have the same bigoted views as our MAGA craziness", which I am inclined to believe.
bigredfish, you obviously seem to support the riots,
No Karen I didnt say that you fuckwit, I support the British people waking up and not hiding their head in their ass.
If you can read:
BBC Describes Violent Birmingham Riot As "Largely Peaceful" | ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

If you can't read (more likely)