Camera recomendation

Nov 16, 2018
Hello there, this is my first post on this forum... Greetings from Serbia.

Looking for reccomendation for good night camera that can reach 50-60 meters at least(200ft) with it's own IR system.

Currently i have Dahua HFW1230S and HDW4631C-A and both of them fail to reach those distances.
4631C-A was advertised on aliexpress as 50M camera but probably for daily usage(during day has really good image quality, IVS and MD fails if it is further than 30m(90ft))
Should i try combination with these cameras and really strong IR illuminator or can someone recommend me good starlight camera that will not break bank but be able to reach 50-60 meters(200ft) @ night?
I attached image so you guys can get better understanding of the problem.
Red line is around 30 meters(90ft)
Violet line is somewhere around 60 meters(200ft)
Im looking for camera that can spot a human walking between those lines (IVS or MD).

btw, i tested both cameras that i have even with manual exposure settings of up to 200ms shutter speed and 60 gain, yes they reach the red line but it is faint and people walking there are perceived as ghosts and no bueno for ivs or md.

Any suggestion is welcoming, sorry for not writing in clear way. Btw object on the right side of the violet line is also mine so i can mount there IR ilumminator also.
In serbia IP cameras are like 2-3 times more expensive than aliexpress, so my main shopping will be from china probably.

Thanks for reading and looking for some good suggestions.


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Can this Dahua model: IPC-HFW4431K-l6 do the job?
Biggest problem for me is, i am unable to find any kind of feedback on models of cameras. youtube reviews ...
welcome to IPCamTalk!

simplest might be to add some powerful IR right near where you existing cam is, to try and approximate your daytime
performance at night. I like these (and they seem to be on sale at the moment):
US $49.7 47% OFF|Video Surveillance 5 80 Degree Adjustable focus 12V Night Vision 850nm IR Infrared Illuminator Light lamp For CCTV Cameras-in CCTV Accessories from Security & Protection on | Alibaba Group
you can spend less on IR, but these work very well.

then again, If you can add illuminators at the structure out on the right, can you maybe put another camera out there ?
(see green dots in picture) either via PLA (powerline adapter) or wi-fi bridge, perhaps. Usually best to have the lighting come from about the same
direction as the camera. If there just extra IR from the side, it won't help much (but may be worth trying if easy).


How about where i have a yellow dot? can you get power/ethernet there? gets you much closer to the target area...

If you must keep cam at current location, look for something with about twice the zoom as the image you posted.
ie, if current cam has a 4mm lens, get something with at least 8mm, maybe 12mm or Vari-focal so you fill the
image with that section in the distance you want to cover...
There are excellent reviews on cameras on the forum. use the search.

The C-A camera is a chinese hacked dahua camera, neither of these cameras are starlight.

Do not get sucked into the belief that more MP are better. Most night cameras are 4 mp or less.

Use Dahua Starlight or Hikvision dark fighter or ICPT night eye ( Store | IP Cam Talk)

IPC-HFW4431K-l6 - no it will not.

Review-Dahua Starlight IPC-HDW5231R-ZE 800 meter capable ePOE
Review-Dahua IPC-HDW2231RP-ZS Starlight Camera-Varifocal

I recommend only buying dahua cameras for Andy at empire tech.
Empire Technology Co., Ltd - Small Orders Online Store, Hot Selling and more on | Alibaba Group
EmpireTech-Andy @
As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.
Hello there, this is my first post on this forum... Greetings from Serbia.

Welcome @Boban Aleksov

Recommend looking for reviews by members here on a Dahua OEM 2MP starlight varifocal - look for models IPC-HFW5xxx-Zx as they have stronger lenses.
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Wow, so many replies already. Thank you guys!
Will go through every suggestion. I appreciate it!
From first glance what i can tell there is no good night camera for under 100usd.

Yes i am completely aware of megapixel vs level of light and sensor size and type.
This is what i get with IPC-HFW1230S currently.
Notice, there is really strong moon light.
Will do research and post my decisions here!


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ah yes. you could certainly benefit from more IR out in the distance then.
also, if possible, adjust angle or move cam so as to not get so much reflection off the eves in teh upper right.
the IR bouncing back so close throws off the balance of the rest of the image.
Without that, you'd see better further out, tho the difference may be marginal - but every bit helps!

another thing you might try with that cam is turning it sideways, so you have a taller view.
you'll see more just below the cam and less on either side of the current picture...
that said, i think you need a longer lens. keep this one and aim it lower. have your longer lens cam
look out past the parking into the field beyond...
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Soon will be getting fiber optic internet and i already upgraded ip network infrastructure in objects behind the point where image was taken. Yes i have power at the object on the right side and there will gigabit sftp cable going there.
I plan to put 2 more cameras there in near future as soon as those objects(car garages) get finished, but for now this is where i am at.
Cameras that are going to be installed there really need 80-100ft coverage at night since this is only vast grass/green field surrounded with concrete walls.

Main thing i am trying to solve is recording that part of the land, i unfortunately have problem with that neighbor since he killed my dog couple of years ago right at that area. So im looking for a good solution to deter him from doing that.
I am not exactly sure about laws here, whether i am allowed to point camera directly to someone else property(99% i am not allowed to do that), so i am looking for solution to record my property and property between the lines i drew in the picture.

I will be probably looking for camera up to 100-130usd, but will also consider additional IR from the same spot where the cameras are installed.

Thank you again for your fast and accurate replies, it really clears things up.
ah yes. you could certainly benefit from more IR out in the distance then.
also, if possible, adjust angle or move cam so as to not get so much reflection off the eves in teh upper right.
the IR bouncing back so close throws off the balance of the rest of the image.
Without that, you'd see better further out, tho the difference may be marginal - but every bit helps!

another thing you might try with that cam is turning it sideways, so you have a taller view.
you'll see more just below the cam and less on either side of the current picture...
that said, i think you need a longer lens. keep this one and aim it lower. have your longer lens cam
look out past the parking into the field beyond...
Both cameras are 3.6mm lens.
By longer lens i presume you mean higher number than 3.6mm.
Tomorrow i will try to relocate camera couple of meters to the right.

Thank you again for suggestions i am noob in this field.
By longer lens i presume you mean higher number than 3.6mm.

right. an 8mm lens (on the same sized sensor) will generally have about 1/2 the width of a 4mm (or 3.6mm) lens.
so what fills the top left quarter of your current view would fill the whole view of an 8mm cam,
providing more pixels in the areas you are interested in, assuming there's enough light out there...
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I can get ethernet cable there, also green spots are mine so i can use those, and that is where ethernet cable is gonna be routed for the object in the background.
I'll try to avoid mounting cameras at such visible places i think the law forbids me to record someone's else backyard.(I can litteraly put camera 5 meters from the area at the corner and record every single move)
Many options at the table, will try moving camera first. I belive i will gain some of the distance, but without good results.
Main objective is to have IVS or MD with small false positives in the are between those lines(closer to the first line).
Will report moving cameras to different location tomorrow, right now they are mounted next to each other on some wood board(just for testing and trying options)


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Is that your shed/property in the distance with the sloped roof ?.

What about a wireless bridge with another closer camera there ?
I am going to put ethernet cable there together with some 2.4N wifi AP/switch. I have power there and i plan to mount atleast 1 camera there recording in same direction as this one. Also i can put there another camera that will be recording this way.

I will make detailed satelite image plan of my property so i can show you better.
Is that your shed/property in the distance with the sloped roof ?.

What about a wireless bridge with another closer camera there ?