Connect NHD-810 to Blue Iris


Nov 19, 2019
Reaction score
South Wales
I have some spare NHD-810s from a Swann NVR which gave up recently. The cameras all work individually and take a DHCP IP nicely and are viewable in the SwannView Link app directly on their IP address, so i've got the passowrds right etc for sure.

I've been trying to get them to work with Blue Iris but struggling - they're listed as a camera that's been tested and they have a preset in the list but no joy so far. I've managed to get some NHD-865s (supposedly proprietary) connected to Blue Iris so I am doing roughly the right thing

Can anyone advise how to get the NHD-810s playing nicely with Blue Iris?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I have some spare NHD-810s from a Swann NVR which gave up recently. The cameras all work individually and take a DHCP IP nicely and are viewable in the SwannView Link app directly on their IP address, so i've got the passowrds right etc for sure.

I've been trying to get them to work with Blue Iris but struggling - they're listed as a camera that's been tested and they have a preset in the list but no joy so far. I've managed to get some NHD-865s (supposedly proprietary) connected to Blue Iris so I am doing roughly the right thing

Can anyone advise how to get the NHD-810s playing nicely with Blue Iris?
Welcome @aod1985

Things I would try:
Test with VLC and see if you can get an video stream
they look like Hikvision cameras, so maybe try the SADP tool

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Nov 19, 2019
Reaction score
South Wales
Thanks! I've tried SADP and no recognition. Nothing comes up on Swann's own 'Device Manager' tool either which recognises my NHD-685s. They do look like Hikvision C2 type bullets but I can't find a firmware to flash reliably - there's too many random ones. I did try one but it was the wrong file extension and the camera rejected it.

It's frustrating they can't be accessed using a web interface and I am beginning to think they don't support RTSP. VLC won't pick up the stream despite SwannView working fine - i've tried various combinations of paths, including user/password in the URL, different potential ports etc etc. I can use VLC to pick up some other cams (HikVision ones) instantly so I don't think it's me doing the wrong thing.

The SwannView software allows me to change the camera settings just as much as a web interface but there's no hint of a RTSP port.

I've only kept going this long as other people have indicated they have been able to get them working on Blue Iris, and they are on the list of compatible cameras. There is some suggestion there's a RTSP and non-RTSP model though?

The entire Swann support forums being totally removed for several months doesn't help either! I'm rapidly going right off them.

I think they'll have to go on eBay and be replaced with some HikVisions.
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Nov 19, 2019
Reaction score
South Wales
Thanks - looking at the hardware details inside the SwannView app they use an internal hardware + firmware code IPC-188M (or something) which a google search shows as also being the hardware/firmware for the Reolink RLC-410.

Checking this model - the casing matches perfectly. Some of the Hikvision are very similar but not 100%.

These forums seem to indicate the RLC-410 is also not usable with Blue Iris (with some claiming it is) so I don't think I will get very far.

It's frustrating as both the NHD-810 and the RLC-410 have presets within Blue Iris to add them which suggests they DO work?

I will try accessing it via the Reolink Client and firmware updating through that - it is visible in the Reolink software - the next question I suppose is which firmware to choose, the camera shows hardware verison IPC_388M which seems way behind any currently offered firmware.
Last edited:
Sep 26, 2022
Reaction score
Thanks - looking at the hardware details inside the SwannView app they use an internal hardware + firmware code IPC-188M (or something) which a google search shows as also being the hardware/firmware for the Reolink RLC-410.

Checking this model - the casing matches perfectly. Some of the Hikvision are very similar but not 100%.

These forums seem to indicate the RLC-410 is also not usable with Blue Iris (with some claiming it is) so I don't think I will get very far.

It's frustrating as both the NHD-810 and the RLC-410 have presets within Blue Iris to add them which suggests they DO work?

I will try accessing it via the Reolink Client and firmware updating through that - it is visible in the Reolink software - the next question I suppose is which firmware to choose, the camera shows hardware verison IPC_388M which seems way behind any currently offered firmware.
any joy with this in the end?