Correct firmware upgrade for my cameras


Young grasshopper
Mar 18, 2017
I have 4 DS-2CD2132F-IS cameras, I believe that they may be grey imports.

They are currently on

Firmware Version V5.2.5 build 141201
Encoding Version V5.0 build 140714

Their serial numbers (last parts redacted) are:


So what is the correct firmware/upgrade path for these cameras?
Why upgrade.
What feature in the upgrade do you need?
What is currently not working on the camera that the upgrade fixes ?
As said a number of times here... If it ain't broke do not fix it.

Upgrading a gray camera is a good way to turn it into a brick.
CH is China region you would have to upgrade using chinese firmware which would cause you to loose english menus.
As I stated in that thread i have used both IE in compatibility mode, and chrome with the IE Tab extension.

I have no issue viewing the feed from the NVR in the web GUI. Just the cameras are not presenting an image.

Specifically Internet Explorer

Version: 11.523.17134.0
Update Versions: 11.0.1055 (KB4480965)
Product ID: 0150-200000-00003-AA459


Chrome Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

with IE Tab version
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Update - I have a work-around for now...

Chrome and IE only list Webcomponents and Quicktime.

I tried installing Quicktime 7, but that had no effect, it's still showing No Plugin Detected for QT

Firefox ESR 60 also lists VLC and MJPEG - but WC, QT and VLC all say no plugin detected in Firefox ESR with MJPEG showing a black window with a placeholder icon in the top left corner.

So I downloaded Safari 5.1.7 - Safari is no longer supported by Apple for Windows, and is no longer listed on their website, but the download to the exe still works - for those that need it, it can be found here Apple Safari 5

Safari lists the 4 plugins mentioned above.

Webcomponents gives the same blank screen
Quicktime gives No plugin detected
MJPEG gives a blue question mark in the centre of the window

BUT for some reason VLC WORKS - so that's good.

But I'd rather not have to use Safari at all

Well that was short lived - it sorts out the Live View. But on the image setting page I have no option to choose the plugin. That is obviously defaulting to WebComponents.

So I NEED to get it working.
Ok, I'll try that
Why upgrade.
What feature in the upgrade do you need?
What is currently not working on the camera that the upgrade fixes ?
As said a number of times here... If it ain't broke do not fix it.

Upgrading a gray camera is a good way to turn it into a brick.

Yes. I started using Hikvision cameras around four years ago. I've never updated the firmware and I've also never had any issues with them.
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