Your devType is 9808 not 9807.
And the checksum must match the current data.
So if you change the data, you need to change the checksum.
I think you've got it!
unfortunately not, i made the changes i stated above, logged into the gui and it was in english

but then i updated to 5.3 from the european site and its pinging and showing in sadp but it says min-system again and the actual browser screen is still showing rebooting but its been showing that for 10 minutes
i changed:-
row 00000010 column 00 from 02 to 01
row 00000060 column 04 i put 08
row 00000060 column 05 i put 98
i then recalculated the new checksum from row 00000000 column 09 to the end of 000000F0 which was different from the checksum before i made any changes. anyway it was 0D31
so i changed the following also:-
row 00000000 column 04 i put 31
row 00000000 column 05 i put 0D
i saved as temp6 and wrote it back with:-
cat temp6 > /dev/mtdblock6
then ran the reboot tool and logged in fine.
then i ran the firmware upgrade from the EU site of IPC_R0_EN_STD_5.3.0_151016
and back to no web gui in the browser, any idea what i have done wrong guys, thought i had it