While I agree to that sentiment to an extent, sometimes new firmware adds highly desirable features, adds additional security, and fixes bugs. That being said, particularly it seems on these sorts of things, with all the different versions, hard to decrypt what firmware is for what devices, multiple firmware's of the same version for the same device, etc that caution is very important. Especially when dealing with devices when there might be a possibility that it is a China market device hacked with English text (in other words you got it for dirt cheap, way less than anyplace selling legitimate international or US specific models). On those there are very high odds that you will brick the device if you try to upgrade it to real English firmware.
I have over 20 years of IT experience in my past doing thousands of firmware updates and these are some of the most cryptic in trying to decipher versions, exactly what models a firmware is for, etc. Then again, on my NVR5216 I'm tickled that the latest firmware adds the ability to download footage in MP4 format. At the same time, that latest firmware also adds another new "feature" from Dahua, the NVR will now totally block and refuse to work with cheap cameras intended for the China market, those same ones I mentioned in the last paragraph... Does not bother me personally as I do not have any of those though.
I'd say, if you are not absolutely sure, then go with looney's advice and just do not even try. The odds are orders of magnitude higher that you might have a problem when upgrading the firmware if you try to than if you do not try to.

Just go look in the NVR firmware section...... a LOT of the posts are pretty much, "I bricked my device, HELP!"....