Adding Microphone to SD49225T-HN
I plan to order a new SD49225T-HN and mount it on a sawed-off flagpole at the front of my house that currently hosts a weather sensor. Across the street is the chain-link enclosed back yard of the across-the-street neighbor’s house. This house fronts on an east-west street south of my location. The residents keep a couple of untrained big dogs there that bark a lot.
If I can, I would like to use the camera’s Web interface to record the sights and sounds coming from across the street. If I can get by without an NVR or something like
Blue Iris that would be great, otherwise I can go with one or the other.
I am the activity detector! I want to be able to record on demand. When the dogs bark I want to be able to zoom in on and record the sights and sound for evidence. Audio integration is a must.
I welcome your comments. In particular I need to integrate a directional (shotgun) microphone with the camera’s video. The mic does not have to tilt or pan, but when I watch the video I want to be able to hear sounds coming from the area of interest.
Does a particular directional microphone come to mind to any of you? Will the camera power the mic? I don’t even have a good idea of what the connections coming out of the SD49225T-HN look like. Are they anything like
this? (I think I have all the docs- where in them do I find the info I'll need?)
I’ll really need some hand-holding to get a mic set up properly!
TIA - Dave