I pushed Dahua a bit more and they came back suggesting that no other users have reported any problems with the latest firmware and that I should RMA my 49225, so maybe I am very unlucky and my 49225 hardware happened to fail at the same moment I upgraded to the latest firmware Dahua support suggested I upgrade to the latest firmware, i.e. the one that caused the issues in the first place, I had explained this was what caused the problem, hopefully they will manage to come up with a better resolution given time. Support from my experience so far doesn't seem to be their forte but in the meantime the camera is at least working for the most part, flickering aside, even if I do have to run a 'focus init' every 12-24 hours to avoid out of focus images which is frustrating.Not had much luck getting Dahua to acknowledge the problems I've had since firmware update, they seem relatively keen to deal with other requests but almost ignoring anything linked to the 49225, I hope this means they are either thinking about it or busy working on a resolution, currently I have to run a 'Lens init' at least every 24 hours and the flickering persists regardless. Radio silence does not inspire me to purchase anymore Dahua PTZ's and to some degree anymore Dahua kit full stop, hopefully they will come back to me with some good news soon.