Well after several emails with Dahua not being able to recreate any of my problems after firmware upgrade they have officially stated they can't really help me but will continue to investigate the new firmware, whatever that means. I am not going mad and these problems do exist so hopefully in time Dahua will resolve the situation. Focus and flickering are the two main problems that affect general use, focus more so, currently I have it automatically restarting each day just after dark to assist and save me running a 'focus init' more than I have to. Really not ideal, on the plus side my presets are now working in Milestone!

and this camera is still crazy good even with these firmware issues!! I really want to order another but would rather have this one working properly first.
Link below if it helps anyone else to previous PAL firmware v2.422.0000.0.r.20160921 for SD49225t-hn, this was provided by Dahua and I will try it later today: