SD49225T-HN Going Bad (?)
Hello, I bought a SD49225T-HN from Andy and installed it in early October. I set it up using the IE Plug-in that came on the CD with the camera. It’s performance and picture quality were breathtaking! See the first couple video clips (below). A few days after a recent heavy rain of over three inches the camera began acting up. See mini descriptions associated with clips below.
In the IE plug-in I was using to control and monitor the camera I Reset the camera (System > Default) but saw no noticeable change. I put Defog on Manual for several hours but didn’t see any improvement.
Today, after a few days of noting the degradation, the camera’s woes seemed to improve. I can’t tell if it is back to normal because it’s a miserable, drizzling, almost foggy gray day.
Did it get wet inside? Does it need its own roof? Anything I should look at in the settings?
Software Version (IE Plug-in) 2.422.0000.0.R.4.2510, Build Date: 2016-09-21
WEB Version
ONVIF Version 2.4.2
PTZ Version 3.02.20.RHNZ
TRENDnet TPE-115GI Gigabit PoE+ Injector (Newegg)
SMAKN® Active Gigabit PoE Splitter (Amazon)
Microseven M7WP-MIC waterproof outdoor Microphone (Microseven)
50ft Cat6 Outdoor Waterproof Cable (Amazon)
MP4 Clips and JPG Images
Dropbox - SD49225T-HN
Before (Good)
20171018_141702-1.mp4 (29 sec)
Daylight/color, zoom about 85%. Camera fixed on cross street neighbor’s driveway. This is what the video looked like before the camera began acting up.
20171019_205521-1.mp4 (29 sec)
Night/full IR/gray, zoom 0% to about 80%. Starts at neighbor’s front yard then pans to cross street neighbor’s back yard, zooms in then tilts down. This is what the nighttime video looked like before the camera started to go south.
After (Degraded)
20171224_162915.mp4 (23 sec)
Daylight/color, zoom about 50%. Starts at neighbor’s front yard in shade, pans to cross street back yard in bright sun, pans back to start. Image color and contrast change as camera appears to be trying to resolve image params. It “hunts” non-stop.
20171224_175521.mp4 (24 sec)
Dusk/gray image, zoom 0%. Camera fixed on neighbor’s front yard. Camera appears to be hunting for parameters to display.
20171224_175618.mp4 (21 sec)
Dusk/gray image, zoom about 50%. Camera fixed on cross street back yard. Image coarse with contrast varying in waves.
20171224_181606.mp4 (13 sec)
Night/full IR/gray, zoom about 0%, microphone turned on. Camera fixed on cross street neighbor. Car passes, dog barks. Image breaking up badly.
Installation Photos
SD49225T-HN_3407-web.jpg (62KB)
SD49225T-HN_3409-web.jpg (71KB)
SD49225T-HN_3410-web.jpg (53KB)