Okay oops I forgot to change the language in custom.lua, download again: https://i.botox.bz/DH_NVR7xxx_Chn_P_V3.200.0000.0.R.20160412.bin
Nah just tried to get rid of the region check ^^ - force it to "ABROAD"ah darn it, just got rid of mine.. wha'd u do to it? can u hack IVS on in the WebUI heh
Nah, if it's "INLAND" then it will only do chinese language.wonder what that does, my 5216-4KS2 I just applied both files from here: USA/NVR/Pro/DHI NVR52A16 16P 4KS2 - Dahua Wiki and it gave me english/spanish/french
mebe abroad will enable IVS menu? i keep seeing screenshots of it being there on ones sold from other vendors.
I patched the english one: https://i.botox.bz/DH_NVR7xxx_Eng_P_V3.200.0000.0.R.20160311.binThere is a character problem
dh keyboard 0
Can you telnet and run "killall Challenge" and "Challenge", it should print a lot of info at the start, paste it.thanks
Run that and pastebin the first ~hundred lines.dvrhelper /var/Challenge
That sounds really great. Actually I'm in contact with the chinese seller who'll find me the actual chinese firmware. Hopefully he'll send me one.
I wondered about the size of the BUILD.bin, but this explains it at all. My version was already english, but yours is definitely better. Now I have to times english for selection, but the first is the customized simplified chinese i think. For example in the Playback tab i got still some chinese characters, also in error messages.
I would really appreciate if you'll do an extra Image for me if I get the actual, original one. I could imagine other people might also like an update for the 4431R-ZS.
Big thanks in advance![]()
If you can find a matching firmware for this camera then sure.
I couldn't find it anywhere, this camera has different size flash and partition layout.
I made the BUILD.bin using a modified firmware dump from another persons camera.