Dahua VTO2000a with wrong MCU firmware


Apr 13, 2020
While I was updating the firmware for the VTO2000& and VTH1550CH to the 4.3 SIP firmware, I also did the MCU updates.
All went fine except a stupid mistake from my side: per accident I selected the VTH MCU firmware and installed it on the VTO via the VDP config tool :(
That update said 'succesful' and it is still possible to see the VTO camera stream on my VTH, but I always get messages about 'network failure' on the VTH.
Pushing the button on the VTO does also nothing although the VTO is added on the VTH. It still shows a cross though, so it is not OK yet.

I tried to put the VTO MCU firmware over the wrong one again, but that does not work... VDPconfig says 'failed to upgrade'.
I can still login on the webserver of the VTO but I see that the MCU version is "2000-00-00 V0".

Can this be fixed? Also via the flashing of firmware?
All the info I found about flashing via TFTP is about the main firmware. Is it the same for MCU firmware?

Thanks for feedback.
The MCU on dahua VTO devices is an addon chip that act's as a controller for some basic hw stuff (buttons, light,...). In fact it runs a independent firmware (STM8) and has not directly to do with DM365 (DaVinci) chipset that runs a linux os.
If you've flashed it with a wrong image, the device is pretty useless. :smash:

Good news, it can be fixed. But you have to be a bit into electronics, flashing, etc.
First you have to identify the exact model of the chip and solder pins in the spare holes (see attached pic). Read the chip's datasheet and figure out, what signal from the chip is on the pins. Usually they should be the signals needed for a JTAG (VDD,GND,SWIM,RST).
Then you have to get a JTAG flasher for STM8 chips (e.g,ST-Link V2 Mini).
Read it's manual and watch some youtube videos about JTAG with ST-Link and you should be able to flash the correct image on the chip with the JTAG method.
I guess this would be already helpful for your issue: Flashing firmware with a .HEX file & ST-LINK v2 | Modular Quicktip

Not easy - I agree. But it's the only way to do this afaik.


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Thanks a lot for the information! I'll have a deeper look on the chip and the ST-link method to flash the firmware.
Hopefully I can manage it, it looks worth a try.
My ST-Link V2 usb tool and cable (male/female) has arrived. Do you have an idea on the STM8 chipset which pins are the SWIM and RST?
I found somewhere on this forum that the GND willbe the third pin hole. To power up the chip for flashing the HEX file, I probably have to connect the 3,3 V pin too, which is probably the pin hole with the square. It gives power at least to the chipset.
Within the STVP tool I also need to specify the MCU device type: STM8xxxxxx...
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I think I managed to flash the MCU. When logging into the webserver it now says for MCU version: 2018-11-23 V3.

The ports seems to be from left to right: VDD, SWIM, GND, RST.
When flashing the hex file I got this as output:

Reading PROGRAM MEMORY area...
< PROGRAM MEMORY reading completed -- [Device Checksum 15E22B]
Loading file C:\Users\jeroe\Downloads\Dahua\General_VTO2000A-MCU_V3.000.0000000.0.R.20181123\2.ForFactory\General_VTO2000A-MCU_ALL_V3.000.0000000.0.R.20181123.hex in PROGRAM MEMORY area ...
< File successfully loaded. File Checksum 0x1612C3
Programming PROGRAM MEMORY area...
< PROGRAM MEMORY programming completed.
Verifying PROGRAM MEMORY area...
< PROGRAM MEMORY successfully verified.

Thanks for the help!!
Great! I knew it will work when you have at least an idea of such technical stuff.
As soon as I'm back in my office I will write a howto with pics for this - it's more and more people havin this kind of problem.
I just found a pic of a VTO2111D - seems you just have to solder some pin headers into the drill-holes next to the EFM32 (marked red).
Then just download EFM32ZG110/EFM32ZG210 datasheet and measure which pin belongs to where.
Get a cheap J-Link/Segger adapter and read/flash the chip with Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio.


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I just found a pic of a VTO2111D - seems you just have to solder some pin headers into the drill-holes next to the EFM32 (marked red).
Then just download EFM32ZG110/EFM32ZG210 datasheet and measure which pin belongs to where.
Get a cheap J-Link/Segger adapter and read/flash the chip with Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio.
I have General_VTO2111D-MCU_APP_EFM32ZG110_V1.105.0000001.0.R.20190225.bin and my VTO is normal work exept DEE1010B
I found this thread need to flash mcu VTO6210BW SIP v4.3 + DEE1010B, 2nd lock does not work
VDP config 1.0.7 1.0.8 won't flash it but in your how-to need General_VTO2111D-W_ALL_EFM32ZG110_MCU_V1.104.0000.0.R.20170826.bin
what is the differences General_VTO2111D-W_ALL_EFM32ZG110_MCU and General_VTO2111D-MCU_APP_EFM32ZG110 ?
But you can backup the image from the chip first, so you can revert it if anything does not work after the upgrade.
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Please help me!!!
Where i can download mcu firmware for VTO2000A
this file