DS-2CD2032F-I - firmware

That's the 'min-system recovery mode'
It's a basic system with no web services, that's entered when the normal full bootup isn't possible.

What exactly did you do to the camera?

If you followed the brickfixV2 method, post the fixuplog.txt file and the mtd6ro_orig and mtd6ro_mod and I will check them for you.

If you got to Stage 3 - what firmware did you then use?
If it was 5.4.41 then it's too large a change. The camera configuration data will be corrupted.
At Stage 3 the latest firmware that can be used reliably is 5.4.5
post the fixuplog.txt file and the mtd6ro_orig and mtd6ro_mod

How do I get those files ?
I used the file.dav that came with the BrikfixV2-EN that I renamed in digicap.dav
Not good ?

Tx - Benoit
It sounds like you have not followed the step by step instructions.
Applying the brickfixV2 dav file is only the first stage of the process.
There are 3 main stages.
Read the whole of the first post of this thread, and watch the video of the process.