Find the cat :)

I was thinking that in the OP the cat is holding the camera and taking the picture. If it was a selfie I'm sure I would have been able to find the cat.
A second bout with a possum. Don't get me wrong, I like possums as they are tick eating machines but... I went out and chased it anyway. The cat has figured out that I'm not an enemy and only went about 20 feet away until the commotion ended. When it came back, I rewarded it with a small hunk of chicken.

A second bout with a possum. Don't get me wrong, I like possums as they are tick eating machines but... I went out and chased it anyway. The cat has figured out that I'm not an enemy and only went about 20 feet away until the commotion ended. When it came back, I rewarded it with a small hunk of chicken.

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For some reason my ThompsonCenter T/CR22 is attracted to these vermen and its a tack driver
No way out here. I'll take these critters any day, just for their tick removal abilities.
I wish I had followed this advice. Now I’ve never gone looking for one but I’ve taken out a few that ended up in the barn. It’s been about two weeks now but we were still finding ticks crawling on the dogs after a walk, every time. I never remember them this late into winter. We did have highs that didn’t break single digits for almost a week so I’m sure that has helped. They’re ugly little creatures but I’d be ok if one wanted to wander around and help take care of the tick population because it is out of control at the moment.
A number of years back, my wife and I came up on a batch of very young possums that the mother had left by my pumphouse to go forage for food. My wife pulled back the brush some, and there they all were, laying on their backs doing their vampire hissing to try to get us to leave. We both thought it was so funny. Of course, we pushed the brush back and let them be. Nothing better than having more tick eaters around...
Good jump! I love how they hesitate while they do the geometry and trigonometry in their heads ;)