Fish-EYE Camera support (Please...Pretty Please....Cherry On Top!

What is the math included for de-warping? 360 degrees is 360 degrees should be the same. I work with several, (several means a bunch) of these., they are like PTZ's with digital zoom. Just short range. 180 degree would be better for a yard or back porch. Sees wall to wall. Need to ask to bring one home and test it with BI... :)
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coordinates and geometry mostly, not all fisheyes are the same..
2 things:
1) The Axis M3007-P (and PV for outdoors) is a 5MP fisheye model. It de-warps the image, giving you 5 (I think) independant configurable streams as well as the raw fisheye stream.
When you first run it, or do a factory reset, it lets you set it up for floor, wall or ceiling operation.
I have one on the front of my house. I can recognise people walking up the street, 5 yards away, but not make out facial detail. Its great for keeping an eye on the street.
It's also good in low light, for instance when under street lighting.

2) iSpy has in-software dewarping that works really well, except that it hammers the frame rate. And that's freeware. Somehow it gets the dewarp correct, without having to mess about with settings. So, if they can do it ...

patents.. thats our problem, some asshats patented 'dewarping' via software.. even though people been 'dewarping' with physical lenses for hundreds of years.

so expect about a decade before they expire and others can use em, dont hold your breath.
Grandeye (not to be confused with Grandstream) has a number of patents in this area.