You're very close. This seems like a very minor issue with the database schema, which is what defines how the tables and columns are structured.
The error is stating that there is a relation missing. Normally, this should be created automatically and should exist in the migrations.sql file.
It is possible that the install script didn't properly get the file it needs, so we should be able to resolve this by downloading the file and just restarting the container.
Here is the file you need:
Download it and place it in the same location as the docker-compose.yml file and the schema.sql. If you already have one, you can just replace it.
After this, restart the containers. You may be able to do this with the restart button in Docker desktop, but please try with the command line, as we know that works.
docker compose down
docker compose up -d
This should automatically apply the proper database configuration and it should start working.
edit re:
You run this in the same directory where your docker-compose.yml file is stored. So for example, if you made the directory for it at C:\users\youruser\ALPR_database , you would open a powershell and type:
cd C:\users\youruser\ALPR_database
Then run the commands