so now that i've given up on changing lens till someone ELSE demonstrates it can be done,
how do you open a square bullet casing?
i went over the camera with extra silicon everywhere, and hung it out my window.
i made a notch for the wire, and am using black 4 strand 50lb's fishing line looped thru
the base screw holes inside to a pair of screws that i'm using like a mini rope cleat,
that way it's very secure, yet i can adjust it's position should the need arise.
(i'm in an urban valley on a side street, so not much wind here to worry about)
now begins the IR light testing, and more fine tuning of the motion detect which
i got not to blowing leaf trigger, but still gives false positives from long shadows.
more IVS from amcrest can't come soon enough - i fear if i don't get line cross
from a firmware update by january, i will have to return or resell this camera
and start all over again with a hikvision, which has the smarts to handle this.
now you can see why i jumped at a black body camera, it's hardly noticeable
once i permanently mount it between windows (if i end up keeping it).