Help with thinking I'm being watched


Feb 23, 2017
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Hi to anyone reading this... so I just created an account today because after a bit of searching, I don't feel like I'm any closer to a real answer.
I've suspected for a long while that my boss' husband might be video or audio recording the shop that I work at. It's a small mom and pop shop.
A few weeks ago I decided to get down to the bottom of it, and found an extra wireless access point ( or so i think it's being used as such). It's a Belair brand router that shows up as Cable Wifi on a list of wifi connections. I did find the IP address and tried to get into it, but it asks for my cable provider and the cable provider is not listed on their list. I can get on the internet through the router, however.
Also on the list are ipcam and an nghub. I think they MIGHT be from a business next door, but I am not 100% sure.
I have played around with the Belair router and found that it did not seem to be being used by either of the two computers we have, or the wireless printer.
I also unplugged it and found it plugged in the next morning. I unplugged it again, and it has been left alone.
My question is: am i being completely paranoid or is it possible there is a camera somewhere in the shop that is using this access point to record and send it to his cell phone or something?
Sorry if any terminology is incorrect. I don't do this for a living or even a hobby. Thanks!


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
If your an employee for a business; yeah your being watched.. just assume you are; its there right and they have no obligations to inform you.

it could be for your own safety and there own liability, dont like it.. find another employer and stop dicking with there equipment.


Pulling my weight
Feb 7, 2017
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Hi to anyone reading this... so I just created an account today because after a bit of searching, I don't feel like I'm any closer to a real answer.
I've suspected for a long while that my boss' husband might be video or audio recording the shop that I work at. It's a small mom and pop shop.
A few weeks ago I decided to get down to the bottom of it, and found an extra wireless access point ( or so i think it's being used as such). It's a Belair brand router that shows up as Cable Wifi on a list of wifi connections. I did find the IP address and tried to get into it, but it asks for my cable provider and the cable provider is not listed on their list. I can get on the internet through the router, however.
Also on the list are ipcam and an nghub. I think they MIGHT be from a business next door, but I am not 100% sure.
I have played around with the Belair router and found that it did not seem to be being used by either of the two computers we have, or the wireless printer.
I also unplugged it and found it plugged in the next morning. I unplugged it again, and it has been left alone.
My question is: am i being completely paranoid or is it possible there is a camera somewhere in the shop that is using this access point to record and send it to his cell phone or something?
Sorry if any terminology is incorrect. I don't do this for a living or even a hobby. Thanks!
First off is there a "REASON" your so worried about cameras ? I could understand if they where in the bathroom or something private. But out in the open their is cameras everywhere malls,gas stations, grocery stores, the street, ect... your always on camera now days,so get over it and stop snooping around your making your self look guilty for something

And secondly I think you're on the wrong forum Mental Health Forum


Feb 23, 2017
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The reason it bothers me is I am concerned there is also audio monitoring which is my main issue. It creeps me out and is not legal. Thanks for all the input, i really appreciate it!


Pulling my weight
Feb 7, 2017
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Ah I was just trolling you .. the question was weird.. what state is this? Also most security cameras don't do audio. But it's very possible


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
Audio Recording is not inherently illegal, depends on where you are.


Feb 23, 2017
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Well i'm in MA. I have thought i was being paranoid for a really long time... but i have told my husband and friends a lot of different scenarios of things that have happened and they all agreed I should look into it. The audio part. I am pretty sure in this state I'd need to be notified of audio recording. Basically, I'm just wondering if it's possible it's happening. I'm not looking to argue about anything. I'm just wondering if it's possible that it's happening at all. And you guys would be the experts. If you don't want to answer, it's really fine!


Pulling my weight
Feb 7, 2017
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Why don't you just ask your boss ? I video and audio record all my employees but I also tell them when there hired in, and their are signs posted, I don't have to do that just choice to.


Feb 23, 2017
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I asked my boss about the router. She said she had no idea why it was there. I really don't care whether it's legal/illegal/etc.I just want to know. It just really creeps me out sometimes when he says things we were just talking about and things like that. Maybe it's coincidence. I'll ask him I guess. Thanks for all the info. I guess since I'm the only person who works for them, going on 11 years and have been friends with the family for longer, I'd think he could just tell me if he is doing it! I appreciate both your time, and the link.


Pulling my weight
Feb 7, 2017
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Trolls..... the ppl in white coats are coming and listening....

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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WOW, Its really funny this came up, in the private sector the boss can do as he pleases with his security systems, in the Government sector, the unions have to approve the locations of the cameras and if someone feels uncomfortable about camera locations, they come down. I have had to remove a few cameras because it was causing stress on those poor government employees who were worried that they were being singled out. I think in all those cases it was cheaper to pay me to remove the cams that hire a lawyer to fight the union.

Hound Dog 911

Getting comfortable
Jan 30, 2017
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So this topic poses a few questions. What's your practice for the home setup? I turned off the audio stream for the time being and flushed all previous data that had audio enabled. Frankly I never thought that far ahead with legality of audio. I was going to enable the stream but not record it. Leaving me the option of turning it on without recording in the event we had a intruder or something.


Known around here
Aug 15, 2015
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So this topic poses a few questions. What's your practice for the home setup? I turned off the audio stream for the time being and flushed all previous data that had audio enabled. Frankly I never thought that far ahead with legality of audio. I was going to enable the stream but not record it. Leaving me the option of turning it on without recording in the event we had a intruder or something.
In regards to your private residence why would you do that? You will be kicking yourself if you had the ability and shut it down only to need it later...

Laws very by state, however if you use the audio/video as evidence of a crime I believe you will be fine. If you invite the president over to your home and have a private conversation that is recorded and then release it you will have a problem...

If you want to really cover yourself, get a small vinyl sign die cut to put in your front door that ways something like "Warning Audio & Video equipment in use 24/7" and this would only depend on where you live and if you want to be overly careful.

In Indiana I have to place a notice outside as well as on both entry doors of my business that cameras are in use. Since cameras cover our parking lot a notice must also be placed outside informing people parking in the lot they are being recorded.


Known around here
Aug 15, 2015
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Trolls..... the ppl in white coats are coming and listening....
Yes my picture post was Trolling but it is well deserved in this case! This type of post is no different then when someone shows up and plays the "I believe my girlfriend/wife/whatever was recorded in a dressing room/bathroom/somewhere private and I am trying to access the HIK NVR to delete said recording"... Okay, yea sure...

99% of the time when someone is paranoid about a camera it is because they are doing something they shouldn't. In addition as Nayr pointed out - unplugging shit that isn't yours especially in a business environment is total bullshit and a dick move that in a lot of cases should get someone fired. You come into one of my businesses and start unplugging equipment that you can't account for or don't know what it does will get you put on notice especially when you did it out of paranoia. That device could be a link to a cooler monitor in my case or even a range extender for some of the wireless temp probs. Sure your in an office setting not a brewery, but still the same principal applies. Your at work, if big brother wants to watch and he's paying your paycheck get over it. Pick your nose proudly without a care, or go out to your car on break to do so. 99% of people with video security hidden/out in the open don't review footage unless their is a problem. I personally have way better shit to do on a daily basis then go back and watch footage UNLESS something is likely occuring that I am trying to prove/track down...