OK after fiddling with it for awhile this weekend, I've found that the 180726 firmware you sent me works the best so far, at least for my Uniden DB1. the 170731 firmware lacks the webserver and the 180515 wont keep a connection with my router for some reason. I haven't been able to upgrade to any firmwares later than that one. I dont know if Uniden blocks them or what. I've also noticed that between 170731 and 180515 the MAC address changes, so the device had to pick up a new IP address. Oh and my username was admin and my password was the one I set when I activated the device with the app. This is what I used for remote config with iVMS-4200, the webserver, and Blue Iris. Below is a screenshot of my Blue Iris config...
Thanks for all your help, I hope this info can help someone else.
I believe you can downgrade it. Here's 7-26-18 if you want to give it a whirl: Box
I got the link from Ryan on this post...
This firmware was the most stable that I've used so far, but I just returned from a trip and realized that the device had gone offline shortly after I left. Upon rebooting it grabs an IP address that is not the one bound to it's MAC id and then reverts to within 5 minutes. I'm wondering if it is overheating. We have had several 90-95 degree days here and it is warm to the touch.
I believe that the 6403 is a different model, but there is a 180515 for the 6003. I couldn't get any version after that to install on my Uniden model.is
the latest firmware?
looking to get more than 12 FPS lock with this guy...
I believe that the 6403 is a different model, but there is a 180515 for the 6003. I couldn't get any version after that to install on my Uniden model.
I have the 180809 version from the Hikvision EU downloads page, but I was unable to get my device to take it. What process did you use to update the firmware?I found a 180809 version, that seems to be working by just "duckduckgo-ing" it (but I think you can find it with google too) (I have a Uniden U-Bell as well)
I have the 180809 version from the Hikvision EU downloads page, but I was unable to get my device to take it. What process did you use to update the firmware?
I have found the iVMS-4200 Program to be more useful than the web ui. If that firmware is more stable, I might try it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes that's the same one I'm using too. I tried to update to 180809 via the microSD and it failed again.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
OK after fiddling with it for awhile this weekend, I've found that the 180726 firmware you sent me works the best so far, at least for my Uniden DB1. the 170731 firmware lacks the webserver and the 180515 wont keep a connection with my router for some reason. I haven't been able to upgrade to any firmwares later than that one. I dont know if Uniden blocks them or what. I've also noticed that between 170731 and 180515 the MAC address changes, so the device had to pick up a new IP address. Oh and my username was admin and my password was the one I set when I activated the device with the app. This is what I used for remote config with iVMS-4200, the webserver, and Blue Iris. Below is a screenshot of my Blue Iris config...
Thanks for all your help, I hope this info can help someone else.
Has anyone got a Hikvision video intercom working on a desktop Mac? I've seen it working on a Windows laptop and I can see the live feed from the gate cam on my iMac but I can't interact with it to speak to my visitor or open the gate.
The sales guy who sold me the kit said it would work on MacOs but Hikvision now tell me it won't. I'm hoping someone out there knows different.
PS. Am I supposed to be able to view my gate station camera when I try logging into it via my web browser? I get nada.
Thanks - but that's what I'm using…v2.0.11 build20191125.Try using IVMS-4200 for Mac