Full English Including days of the week for Version 5.2.5 & 5.2.8.
This Again is the mtd5 & mt6 Hack, but requires you to maintain the checksum -16 to the original value.
So if you change the region flag from Chinese to EN / US you need to find the other correct value to also change allowing the checksum to remain the same.
This solves the day of week in Chinese and also the Issues with IVMS and NVR with region mismatch.
Yes the Language is now region 1
No you can’t upgrade to 5.3.0 this is done via another check which I’m still looking for.
All the normal things use at your own risk, but fully tested on my own cameras.
One thing to remember that, If you update the camera you have to use Chinese firmware, with the region changed on the firmware with hiktools
to region 1.
This is also a fix for the cameras brought from AliExpress with hacked firmwares (from that Russian) that don't work correctly.
1st setup your NAS storage on your Camera
With Putty as Telnet Port 23
IP =
user = root
password = 12345
cd /mnt/nfs00
To copy the mtd files
cat /dev/mtdblock5 > temp5
cat /dev/mtdblock6 > temp6
Change the flag bytes using HxD editior,
Then putting them back with the changed block:
cat temp5 > /dev/mtdblock5
cat temp6 > /dev/mtdblock6
NOTE: Always backup you mtd files before you play with them.
Don't forget the Thanks Button!
As Always Enjoy and Enjoy it for Free!
And the video linked below.
MTD HACK made easy on Video