Ah I don't use connect or its predecessor, I come in via VPN from my phone and then use ivms to view the cameras. CCTV system is entirely isolated on its own vLAN and no outbound access to other vLANs or internet, inbound only from my internal vLANs, hence am not concerned about the security updates in later firmware. If you're exposing to external then security may be as important but that's a personal call we each have to make.
Whether you can revert or not may depend on which firmware you are on, can't advise much there tho others like Alistair may know more, check the release notes for the version you are on and prior ones first tho. I went to v3.4.9x and found motion stopped working so reverted to .62 which works fine on my NVR, does result in a factory reset tho so you'd need to configure from scratch again.
Whether you can revert or not may depend on which firmware you are on, can't advise much there tho others like Alistair may know more, check the release notes for the version you are on and prior ones first tho. I went to v3.4.9x and found motion stopped working so reverted to .62 which works fine on my NVR, does result in a factory reset tho so you'd need to configure from scratch again.